CH:6{High Risk High Reward}

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During the Rating Game.

Issei walked into the main building of Kuoh Academy. The school ground itself was chosen as the arena and a replica of it was made in a pocket dimension. "Damn, I can't believe I let Kiba get taken out, and Koneko-Chan too!"

"It's fine, You've taken out almost all of Raiser's peerage, except for Ravel, his bishop and that Yubeluna woman, his Queen." Kenshin said. "It bites that Akeno got taken down before she could recover fully though. That second ability revealing itself when it did really was helpful."

"Maybe we could use it to our advantage some time, I gather power, transfer it to you, and you kick some ass." Issei thought with a grin.

"Maybe, but focus. Rias didn't look like she was doing so well back there." Kenshin said.

"Do you really think you can beat Onii-Sama?" Issei turned around to find Ravel leaning against the wall.

"You're still here? !" Issei said. Kenshin took control of his right arm and held a mirror up.

"Yeah, I sad she was one of the ones left. Grayfia didn't announce that two bishops bit the dust." Kenshin said.

"Hm, communicating through a mirror, you're just full of surprises aren't you Kenshin-San?" Ravel asked.

"Hmph, you haven't seen all the contents of my bag of tricks young lady." Kenshin said.

"Well regardless, I have something to tell you, about what Onii-Sama said." Ravel said.

"Rain check." Kenshin said.

"Huh?" Ravel said.

"We really don't have time for this right now." Kenshin said. "Sorry, but can it wait?"

"Fine." Ravel shrugged. "But still, even with that gear, you won't be able to beat Onii-Sama. You can't exploit the same holes Kenshin-San did."

"Don't care." Issei said walking ahead.

"You and Rias have no energy and no more moves left what can you possibly hope to do?" Ravel asked.

Issei turned around and pointed the Boosted Gear at her. "You'd better keep quiet, or I won't hesitate to strip you of that dress." He threatened with a glare.

Kenshin held up the mirror again. "You'd better do as he says. He'll probably do it for the thrill alone."

"!" Ravel covered herself with her arms as Issei walked away. He walked up a flight of stairs.

"This should be the promotion zone. Promotion Queen!" Issei called out. "Nngh!" He nearly was floored by the increase in power. "Damn, power doesn't equal stamina huh?" He said.

"Kuh..." Kenshin grunted.

"Are you OK?" Issei thought.

"Yeah, I'm...fine..." Kenshin replied. Issei nodded and continued toward the roof. "...Please...not now...!" He muttered to himself.

"Hyoudou Issei reporting for duty!" Issei said bursting through the door.

"Hm?" Raiser said. "Ravel let one slip by? Huh I guess she wasn't kidding about not helping me for what I did ten days ago."

"Issei! Issei-San!" Rias and Asia both said in relief.

"Raiser-Sama, shall I take care of this one as well?" Yubeluna asked.

"No, I'll handle this, this way they'll finally learn to respect their betters."

"Grh, Fuck you!" Rias shouts firing a blast of magic at Raiser's head.

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