CH:135{The Imperial Beast}

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Kenshin had just ended his call with Vali when the dragon body of Trihexa began to move violently. "!" Kenshin's eyes widened. "Tamamo..."

"R-Right!" Tamamo said forming a handsign, closing her eyes. "Are you sure you can handle this though Kenshin?"

"I have to be able to. Trust me Tamamo, Rose." He said trying to comfort Rossweisse who was no doubt worried and scared as Trihexa still budged and moved. "Damn you, stop moving!" He yelled. "Accept your fate and go back into your seal!"

Suddenly a crimson orb shot out of the back of the dragon Trihexa's neck. "!" Kenshin's eyes widened. "TAMAMO NOW! !" He shouted as he took off after the orb.

"!" Tamamo's eyes widened as she unbinded Kenshin's Malak seal once more.

"Grrrhhhh!" Kenshin growled as he pursued Trihexa, not giving an inch as the orb shot toward an uninhabited island. Kenshin glanced over and saw Issei had confronted Apophis on a similar uninhabited island. Kenshin's gold eyes glew as he glared at the figure that emerged from the orb.

The figure had ten horns on it's head and sprouted six wings from it's back, ones of a bird, dragon, bat, and other creatures Kenshin didn't recognize.

"Partner...from what Ddraig's telling me...that's him." Yuurei said.

"I already figured." Kenshin said.

What struck Kenshin as peculiar however...was that the overall figure of Trihexa's core, was that of a young boy wreathed in light. "..." Kenshin stepped forward. "Ain't any chance I could talk you into not going after Great Red is there?"

"..." Trihexa shook his head. "This world...all worlds will fall."

"I was afraid you'd say that." Kenshin sighed. "I was willing to let you stay out or alive if you laid down arms."

"You'd murder a mere child?" Trihexa asked, his tone laced with amusement.

"What's one more nightmare to a guy like me?" Kenshin asked. "That said. I know that's not a child, he only chooses to wear the guise of one...and I also know you're only possessing that body, Imperial Beast."

"Oh?" Trihexa asked. "And how did you come by such inform-" Trihexa paused before nodding. "Ahhh, I see...Yahweh contacted you at some point."

"He showed me how his body was destroyed so he could put himself in stasis in his sword." Kenshin said.

"A shrewd maneuver." Trihexa said. "With his power, I could have laid this world low, even while sealed."

"..." Kenshin closed his eyes. "There is no talking you down, you've probably completely squelched the Primordial of Reality." Kenshin let out a sigh and took out Angel Halo and Shiroi Tengoku.

"Hmm..." Trihexa nodded before smiling condescendingly. "I admire your tenacity, Kuroshi Tsuki Kenshin."

"?" Kenshin narrowed his eyes. "You know my name?"

"I do...I know all of those burdened with the Curse of Primordials." Trihexa said.

"..." Kenshin let this information sink in before exhaling a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "...My only curse is YOU!"

"!" Trihexa looked up as Kenshin appeared above him.

"Heavenly Demon Revival!" Kenshin roared slashing Angel Halo downward.

"Hrm." Trihexa lifted his hand and created a barrier, completely nullifying Kenshin's attack.

"Wh-What? !" Kenshin said.

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