CH:27{The Past Always Remains}

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Kenshin was walking alone down the street leading to Kuoh Academy, It was a usual bland day. Rias, Asia, Akeno, Xenovia, Koneko, Rossweisse, Yukari, Miyuki, Hikari, Kazumi, Gasper and Kiba had already left for school while he was taking a shower after his morning workout with Ragnarok.

"I don't see why you can't just wait until after school for those workouts." Issei said.

"You notice I only do morning workouts on certain days right?" Kenshin thought. "I'm expecting summons tonight."

"Aaaaahh..." Issei nodded.

The two heard a quiet sobbing. "Ddraig, I know it's embarrassing, but suck it up man." Kenshin thought. "At least you can take solace in knowing Albion feels just as miserable as you do."

(Sniff) "M-Maybe...uuuooonn..." Ddraig said.

Kenshin refocused on his walk while Issei shot the breeze with Sylph. "So what's your home like Sylph-Chan?"

"It's a great wide forest!" Sylph answered with her usual cheerfullness.

"Oh no, please don't get her started..." Undine grimaced.

"What's it like?" Issei asked.

"Just like any other, except with alarunes, fairies and the occasional elf." Sylph said .

"Has Kenshin ever been?" Issei asked.

"Sadly no..." Sylph said with a downcast look. "He was gonna come visit before that Crimson Satan dude snatched him up."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Issei said. He turned to Salamander, Gnome and Undine. "What are the rest of your homes like?"

"A volcano." Salamander answered.

"R-Really?" Issei said.

"Yup! Come on can you think of any better representation of the element of fire?" Salamander asked.

"R-Right." Issei said. "What about you?" He asked Undine

"A sparkling spring of pure water, where my people and I carve out a living." Undine said. "...Oh I hope they are alright."

"Your...people?" Issei asked.

Kenshin answered for Undine. "She's a slime, Issei. There are slime demons in Makai, most can't leave their spring however. I think the only ones I've heard of as being able to leave are Undine herself, and the Slime Queen."

"Slime Queen?" Issei asked.

"Yes, she's a friend of mine, but...she's a recluse, only answering to the order of the Queen of Demons." Undine said.

"Why?" Issei asked.

"She likely hates people for polluting water sources. Most slimes cannot live without a source of clean water." Kenshin thought.

"That is exactly right." Undine said. "That said, I'm not very fond of this world either. To ward off the plight of this world from affecting me, I've clung very closely to Kenshin's soul. We all have."

"I-I see. Sorry..." Issei said. "What about Gnome?"

"She lives in the desert." Salamander answered.

"Huh, and here I thought she would have lived in a mountainous area." Issei said.

Kenshin had refocused on his walk when he bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry. I was absorbed in my own thoughts, are you...all...right?" Kenshin trailed off as he got a good look at the person he had bumped into. "!"

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