CH:28{In Pursuit of Thy Enemy}

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Rias, Yukari, Sona, Issei and the others arrived at Luciferd without much incident. Grayfia was waiting for them. "Ojou-Sama, I know you're worried, but I still don't think now is a good time."

"Grayfia, with all due respect, stow the lecturing. I need to see my brother and nothing's going to stop me." Rias said.

"..." Grayfia sighed. "Very well. He shouldn't have went to meet the council yet. So you should have time."

"Meet the council? For what?" Rias asked.

"He's getting clearance to pursue the terrorists himself." Grayfia said. "A Satan was abducted along with Kenshin, who has become an important figure himself."

"I see." Rias said.

"!" Rossweisse felt a familiar pulse of magic in the air. Miyuki turned to her. "What is it?"

"I...It's Odin-Sama and Loki. They're both here in the Underworld." Rossweisse said.

"What? !" Yukari said rounding on her.

"Obviously. According to Kenshin's report. This Hottan character that sent the Dragon of Truth and this Jack Rakan character here struck a partnership with Loki. We're going to interrogate him for answers." Grayfia said. "He's still very much sealed."

"Answers like what?" Akeno asked.

"Sirzechs mainly wants to know what this Hottan wants Kenshin for. If he wanted Kenshin dead. The Dragon of Truth could have easily struck him down when his paralysis magics immobilized Kenshin." Grayfia said.

"I see. Nothing about my sister then?" Sona asked.

"We don't think Loki knows anything about her. I think she in fact pursued them." Grayfia said. "Don't worry Sona-San, we are going to find her as well."

"By the way, how were you able to get away from school?" Yukari asked. "It's been about a day since the attack happened."

"I told Tsubaki and the others to mind things while I went to find out more about my sister's disappearance. It's basically like if I were to go visit my family." Sona answered. "If I need more time then they are capable of taking care of things in my absence." Yukari nodded.

"I wonder where Azazel is though? He should be at least a little concerned about what's happened." Irina said looking up at the sky.

"He took off before the news broke." Hikari said. "He wouldn't say what was up, but it seemed to be serious."

"Jeez, things just seem to be falling apart huh?" Kazumi asked.

"Well, hopefully we can get some answers about what's going on." Kiba said.

"Uuu...I hope Kenshin-Senpai is alright..." Gasper said.

"I agree..." Koneko said, her head bowed slightly.

"Ah come on everyone, this is Kenshin we're talking about here. Ddraig said he was fine. I don't see why that could have changed." Issei said trying to cheer everyone up.

"He is strong...but still..." Xenovia said.

"...Thanks Issei, but some of us can't help feeling worried, you know." Rias said.

"I know." Issei nodded.

The rest of the trip to the castle went off without much incident. "People seem really high strung." Issei said.

"Yes, such things tend to happen when there is an attack like this." Xenovia said.

"Nothing against Kenshin, but if it was just him that was taken. I doubt people would be as shaken up." Sona said.

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