CH:111{Mistakes of the Past}

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After the attack by Masanomi Yaegaki and RyuuTaisho, Touji was rushed to the nearest medical facility controlled by Heaven. Physically he would recover, but the main problem was the poison of the Yamata no Orochi.

Before Kenshin went to speak to Yukari, he approached and sat next to Irina who had a despondent look on her face as Asia tried to comfort her. "Asia...could you give us some time alone?"

"H-Hai, Onii-Sama." Asia said.

Kenshin and Irina were left alone. "I couldn't protect Papa..."

"...Is this your first time?" Kenshin asked.

"Huh?" Irina said, her eyes filled with tears.

"Irina, we are technically in a war." Kenshin said, closing his eyes, grabbing her hand. "These things happen in a war. You're right to be worried, but I think your father will make it out OK."

"I know...I...just never thought it would happen to me or my family." Irina said, squeezing Kenshin's hand.

"I know, we never think it could happen to us." Kenshin said. "My past was constantly taking actions to make as sure as possible it couldn't." He said.

Rias and Azazel approach them. "I'm sorry that I wasn't present during such a crucial time."

"Don't worry about it Rias. We couldn't have predicted this." Kenshin said.

"Still...I heard the details. We are currently discussing things with the Church side regarding the countermeasures and the antidote for Officer Chief Shidou." Azazel said before disappearing down the far corridor.

Issei and Xenovia look on. "Why aren't you over there instead of Kenshin?" Issei asked.

"Because..." Xenovia sighed. "I might end up yelling at her for the way she's acting right now, but that would be too painful for her right's better for Asia and Kenshin to handle it.

Issei walked forward as Griselda and the doctor treating Touji walked out.

"There is a poison which is thought to belong to an Evil Dragon present inside the Officer Chief's body at this moment." The doctor said.

"...The Yamata no Orochi's poison...that's troublesome. It isn't as poisonous as Samael's poison, but it's still very lethal. If we leave that man like he is now, he will die within a few days as the poison will taint his very soul. There are very few spellcasters or institutes that are able to cure him."

Griselda nods at Ddraig's words. "Yes. That's why we are planning to rush him to Heaven. If it's Heaven's antidote, then it should be able to cure him, even if it's the Yamata no Orochi's poison...Except..." Griselda said before opening the door.

"There's something he wants to tell you." Griselda said.

Irina rushed in, followed by everyone else, crashing into her father's arms, seeing him laid up. "Papa!" Irina cried out. "I'm sorry. Even though I was chosen by Michael-Sama...even though I became an Angel, I couldn't protect you..."

Touji embraced Irina. "Hahaha, it isn't your fault Irina-Chan...and please stop acting like I'm going to die. I'm going to be receiving treatment in Heaven after this, so please don't worry about me."

Touji looked over at Kenshin and Issei who both gave him a thumbs up as Irina seemed to cheer up slightly at this. "Yet...I need to tell you all something about the man who attacked us. He is Yaegaki Masanomi. He was a skilled warrior of the Church, and previously my subordinate."

"...When you say that 'he was previously' then what is he currently." Rias asked.

"He...already passed's because the Church executed him." Touji said.

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