CH:136{Those Left Behind}

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Kenshin was laying in a hospital bed. He was still unconscious from the aftermath of fighting Trihexa, using the Dragon God of the Elements form.

"I obsessed over the day someone would be foolish enough to free me and your lot pushed him into a corner for me. The fool!"

"I figured I'd give you a sporting chance, but oh, how you woefully disappoint."

"Did you really think you had what it took to kill me?"

"You really think an infant Dragon God, using power borrowed from two stronger Primordials and the creations of another intimidates me?"

"So pray tell...who is going to make me go? You? With your borrowed power and fancy glowing blade?"

"It doesn't matter if it's One Million, Ten Million, One Hundred long as I'm in this can't kill me."

"Ghh..." Kenshin began tossing and turning in his hospital bed as he sweated profusely. The image of Trihexa appearing in his mind.

"Don't you understand? There's nothing you can do to stop the destruction I will reign down upon Yahweh's creation." Trihexa said. "Nothing they can do either, the ones that binded me...all their lives sacrificed...because of you...and your ineptitude in the critical moment."

"Shut up...!" Kenshin growled, scowling hard at the Imperial Beast's image.

"Hmhm...just helping you realize the hopelessness of your situation." Trihexa said.

"It's not hopeless! They will hold you off, they won't die, and I WILL gather the other remaining Primordials and come in that Barrier Field and destroy you once and for all! !" Kenshin roared.

"Hahahahahaha! How do you intend to do that when I've corrupted one and one half of them and am possessing the body of one myself! The very thought is asinine!" Trihexa said before turning away. "But...I'll make you see...eventually..." He walked away and disappeared.

Kenshin's eyes snapped open to find Atsuki, Iris, Asuna, Ku Fei, Yuuna and Mana standing near both sides of his bed.

"Kenshin, are you OK? The nurses said your heart rate was going crazy." Iris said.

"Yeah, what's up?" Asuna asked.

"Ghh..." Kenshin grunted, holding his head. "I'm fine...I just had a nightmare is all. That damn beast..." Kenshin said as he sat up. He blinked as he felt only moderate pain, which was something he could easily ignore. "How long have I been laid up here?"

"A few days, a week at the most." Atsuki said.

"Then why isn't every cell in my body still protesting movement?" Kenshin asked.

"You can bring her in Konoka, Setsuna." Mana said.

"Huh?" Kenshin said as Atsuki and Iris split apart and he saw Konoka and Setsuna walk in with, and this surprised Kenshin. Ophis in her mature form. "Ophis? You healed me?"

"All, I did was give you some of my mana, your body did the rest." Ophis said. "However, there was nothing I could do about your hands. They healed yes, but they are scarred."

Kenshin nodded and unwrapped the bindings. Ophis was right, there was heavy burn scars on both his hands. "So I should have adequate mana stores?" He asked.

"Yes." Ophis said.

"I see." Kenshin waved his hands over each other one after the other. The scars vanished. "They're still there. I just hid them with a low level illusion that even my dumbass can use." Atsuki, Iris, Asuna, Ku Fei, Yuuna and Mana all shared a laugh at this. He moved to stretch, but immediately twitched in pain. "Wha? I know the pain is mainly coming from my torso but-"

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