CH:79{Requests to Fulfill}

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The door opened to Kenshin's room as he was meditating, it had been a day since Kenshin and Ravel's tryst, Miyuki walked in. "Onii-Chan, there's a blonde woman at the door, saying she knows you."

"..." Kenshin stood up. "What color was her eyes and what was she wearing?"

"U...Um, her eyes were blue and she was wearing a forest green dress that cut off at just at mid thigh, wearing long green boots and gloves all with gold trim and buttons that all matched her dress." Miyuki said.

"..." Kenshin went silent for a moment. "Go and take her to the VIP room. I'll be waiting for her, and tell Tamamo I want her there as well."

"I'm already here." Tamamo said landing on Kenshin's shoulder.

"OK gotta quit doing that." Kenshin glowered.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." Tamamo said as the two walked toward the VIP room. "...You know Micaela?"

"We met briefly before Rias had left." Kenshin said.

"And you were going to tell me when?" Tamamo said.

"Excuse me for being busy Tamamo, and before we get in there, I should probably mention something else that's going to piss you off. I've been communicating with Ilias." Kenshin said as they arrived in the VIP room

"YOU'VE BEEN WHAT? !" Tamamo shouts.

"OW! That was right in my fuckin' ear damn it!" Kenshin snapped as Tamamo sprung off his shoulder.

" stupid can you be? !" Tamamo shouts. "Ilias is the ancient enemy of all youkai!"

"I know that. But what the hell can she do from the Tsurugi no Kami?" Kenshin asked.

"You don't know how Ilias works." Tamamo said.

"I have been relatively distrustful of her since we started talking. She's even said that she was talking to me to try and get an ally against the Dark Goddess, but I told her she had to have been drinking again because you are my Queen and the latest descendant of the Dark Goddess is having my children so why the hell would I betray you?" Kenshin said.

"..." Tamamo glanced away before assuming her true form. "That's not what I meant to's just...I worry about you." Tamamo said embracing Kenshin.

"..." Kenshin returned the embrace. "I know. You've been looking out for my family for a long time, but I'm asking you to trust me now. Ilias is sealed in the sword. She can't do anything. I might be trying to free her, but I don't intend to free her unless she swears she will never lift a hand against Youkai ever again."

"I know and I do, but it's just it's Ilias, Kenshin. She was the one who forced us to seal ourselves, our kind's greatest enemy." Tamamo said with a concerned look as she looked up into his eyes.

"I know that nothing I could say can wipe that away." Kenshin said. "But while she is talking to me. I want to try and find something out from her. She seems bored more than anything anyway."

"Fine, I'll trust you with this, but I don't know what you could learn from her that you don't already know." Tamamo said.

"Well she is a Primordial like Kenshin." The two froze and turned to see Micaela in the doorway. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting something? Do I need to step out for a moment so you two can kiss?" Micaela stated with an amused tone, but her expression remained stoic.

"..." Tamamo glared at Micaela while Kenshin broke the embrace and walked toward her.

"What brings you here?" Kenshin asked.

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