CH:35{Taking a Week Off}

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From where we left off.

"Your queen, but isn't your Queen a Mutation Piece?" Issei asked.

"Yeah, trust me she is well worth the price." Kenshin said.

"Hang on." Tamamo said grabbing the scroll and unfurling it. "Get your ass back out here." She said pulling Ragnarok back out.

"Choke on your own fur fox!" Ragnarok snapped.

"?" Everyone stared at them as Tamamo dropped her fist on his head, knocking him to the floor.

"Knock it off!" Ragnarok shouts rubbing his head.

"No, it's what you get for being a moron." Tamamo said with an annoyed look.

Before either of them could continue Kenshin fired coins into their heads. "Eighty six the fucking drama would ya?" Kenshin said. "Now, Tamamo not that it's not good to see you, are you here, better yet, why did I have to reincarnate you, a feat that surprises me?"

Tamamo took a breath. "Well, right now there is a civil war in Makai."

"Oh? Is someone failing at their job?" Ragnarok asked.

"Ragnarok." Kenshin said with a scowl. "Let her speak."

"And if I don't?" Ragnarok asked with narrowed eyes.

"Then I will take away all of the things in this era you've been enjoying!" Kenshin snapped.

"F-Fine." Ragnarok said with a vexed look, glancing out the window.

"And to think, this immature brat is the First Demon King." Tamamo said with a sigh.

"Get bent." Ragnarok scoffed.

"Don't make me squeeze you with my tails." Tamamo said.

"Hey, HEY!" Kenshin shouts. "Tamamo, go on and both of you knock it the fuck off!"

"Alright...anyway. The Sixteenth Demon Queen has led a rebellion against the Sixteenth Demon King. I was fighting the latter when he struck a fatal blow against me. I warped away, but in my haste I didn't really set a destination, and I ended up where you found me. I managed to heal myself, but it was for naught as I was completely tapped out of youki." Tamamo said.

"I see, how is this rebellion going?" Kenshin asked.

"It's going alright, it's at a stalemate right now. However I don't know how long that will last now that I've fought Forbesii." Tamamo said.

"And lost." Ragnarok added.

"Rag-" Kenshin was cut off.

"No, he's right." Tamamo sighed. "But I'm sure Alice and the others can manage without me."

"I could talk to Sirzechs, the guy who brought me here and have him send us back over there." Kenshin suggested.

"Kenshin, are you listening to yourself?" Azazel asked. "You just got back from putting Hottan on ice and now you wanna rush off to fight in a war?"

"Well..." Kenshin was cut off.

"Hahaha, it's quite alright Kenshin. I doubt he knows where Makai is anyway and the stalemate has been ongoing for at least a year now." Tamamo said. "Alice was telling me a couple of weeks ago that I should take a break anyway."

"Well if you say so, and I wasn't going to go alone Azazel." Kenshin said. "I was going to bring my peerage, of which Tamamo is now a part of. I'm not going to act recklessly like I did with Hottan."

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