CH:39{Peace in Kyoto}

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After the battle.

Issei and Kenshin were being healed. "So do you think everyone will be OK?" Issei asked.

"They should. I used that...lust...power up to increase their regeneration to what is far beyond normal levels." Kenshin said.

"Oh come on Kenshin, I use boobs to power up and you don't hear me complaining." Issei laughed.

"Gee I wonder why!" Kenshin said. "I'm just still adjusting to it!" He got up and Issei followed him to where Saji was.

"K-Kenshin-San, do you think Saji-kun will be OK?" Momo asked.

"Yeah." Kenshin said. "Saji's one tough bastard. Besides I don't think Vritra wants to be split up again."

"Yeah, so he'll probably do whatever it takes to keep Saji kickin'" Issei said with a grin.

"Yeah, he's probably just suffering from exhaustion. Vritra Promotion takes a lot of energy." Azazel said walking up behind them.

"Yeah." Issei said. "As long as he gets some rest he should be fine."

"So that means nothing lewd tonight, Momo, Ruruko." Kenshin said with a coy smile.

"A-Ah...u-um..." Ruruko stuttered with a blush.

"W-We have n-no idea what you're talking about." Momo said glancing away with a blush of her own.

"Sure ya don't." Kenshin said as he and Issei turned and walked away. They went over to Yukari and Miyuki. "You two alright?"

"Yeah..." Miyuki said rolling her arm around. "Those missiles of his were really a pain."

"I know." Kenshin said. "When we get back you two are gonna start training with me and Ragnarok-ossan again."

"Yeah..." Miyuki said.

"Yeah, but how will it help with anything, but our stamina? We can't use the Balance Breaker if you are." Yukari said. "And you always will be."

"Well, we could always try getting more inventive with them." Miyuki said.

"Or I'll have to learn to live without a couple of Overdrives." Kenshin said. "In any case we can worry about that later, this was just a bad go of it for us anyway."

"Right." Yukari and Miyuki nod.

As the Issei and Kenshin turned away to walk toward Irina and Xenovia. Sun Wukong and Tamamo walked up to them, each with a sake dish in their hands, the former holding a jug. "Huh, I thought you weren't gonna drink until tomorrow." Kenshin said.

"Decided to make it today." Sun Wukong said. "Catch." He said throwing Kenshin a dish and the jug.

Kenshin poured himself a dish and knocked it back with the two elder demons. "Woo! Man that's smooth." Kenshin said.

"Yes it is." Sun Wukong said. "Now, this guy over here seems to have obtained a power separate from the Juggernaut Drive. You have as well, I can sense it. Why did you not use it?"

"Because it shreds my muscles down to nothing the longer I use it, and it takes a literal minute to set up." Kenshin said. "The only way I can end that is by going along with Ragnarok's system and getting the Yonseirei to like me more than they do now."

"That was one thing I liked about his splitting his powers off. Ragnarok's daughters seem like great judges of character." Tamamo said. "He brought the idea up just after he came back, while the Divine War was still going on."

"Well no matter your reasoning. You have to endear yourself to them more." Sun Wukong said. "Not saying you should use their feelings to your advantage, but you may need that power for a long battle sooner or later. Also, you know working on Senjutsu would probably help you understand their powers a bit more. The elements are a part of nature after all."

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