CH:14{To Become Lingerie?}

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"OK, what the hell is that thing?" Kenshin said as he, Rias, Asia and Issei were staring down a monster.

"It looks like a golem of some sort." Rias said.

"It stole my underwear!" Asia whined.

"Nani? !" Issei said with a light blush.

"She ain't kiddin." Kenshin said. "It's got a white bra and panty combo in it's mouth."

"So the rumors we heard were true." Rias asid as a small circle appeared next to her head. "Get ready, we've found it."

"Got it." Kiba said on the other end.

"Get over here on the double." Kenshin said with a black circle next to his head.

"On it Onii-Chan." Miyuki replied.

It fired a beam at Rias and Kenshin who dove out of the way. "It seems to be aiming at you." Kenshin said.

"I see that." Rias said.

Lightning crackled around the golem before fire impacted it's back. "Ara can't run away now." Akeno said flying up above it with Xenovia. "Be careful Yukari-Chan, it's got Asia-Chan's underwear in it's mouth."

"If I ruin them I'll buy replacements Asia." Yukari called out.

It looked over Rias, Akeno, Xenovia and Yukari before thrusting it's left arm at Xenovia who chopped it off with Durandal. Yukari rushed forward and cut it's leg with her nodachi Kazeken.

"Yukari, catch!" Kenshin said throwing his Undine card to her.

"Right!" Yukari said catching the card and activating it as it launched tentacles at all the girls getting them all except Yukari herself. "You missed!" She said dodging every attempt it made to attack her. "You're too slow!"

"Yo Issei, let's dust this fucker." Kenshin said holding Kuroi Jigoku at the ready..

"Right!" Issei said.


However before either of them could move on it a figure rushed by and beheaded it. "...Whelp...fucker dusted." Kenshin said with a shrug. "Good job Irina."

"Irina?" Xenovia said as she and the others landed.

The figure removed her hood and sure enough it was Irina. "It's been a little while. Gremory Household Kuroshi Household." Irina said.

Kenshin put his hand to his head. "Back to recon Miyuki. The golem's taken care of."

"Awww." Miyuki pouted.

"So you're after this thing too?" Rias asked as Asia tried to dig her underwear out from the resulting mud spill from the golem's body.

"Well I'm after the person controlling it." Irina said with a shrug.

"..." Kenshin grinned coyly. "He got you didn't he?"

"N-No." Irina said with a blush. "I'm just seeking him out because he's been doing this. He's known as the Legendary Sage."

"I've heard of him before, the church has been trying to find him for years." Xenovia said.

"So that's why you're looking for him?" Issei asked.

"Yes, and also it's nice to see you in your own skin Issei-kun." Irina said. "But I also get to come back and see my home."

"Why don't you just ask Michael if you can be the church's official emissary for the angels in accordance with the treaty?" Yukari asked.

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