CH:36{The Timid Phoenix}

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Kenshin, Tamamo and Ragnarok were sitting at Hikari's restaurant, which she had taken to calling The Lunar Cafe. Kenshin was going over a folder his mother had handed him. "Hmm...yeah, I think we can swing all this." Kenshin said closing the folder and handing it back to Hikari. "I'm gonna be in Kyoto when these renovations are taking place so I'll leave you in charge of them."

"Alright." Hikari said with a smile. "Tamamo, how are you enjoying the thin fried tofu? I didn't overdo it did I?"

"Nah, you did great." Tamamo said with a cheerful expression.

"I will never understand what your obsession is with that stuff." Ragnarok said, eating a slice of pizza.

"What's your newfound obsession with that?" Tamamo said with a glare.

"What? ! It's good!" Ragnarok shouts.

"It's also unhealthy." Tamamo said.

"And I don't have a real body so the health benefits or disadvantages of food don't mean crap to me." Ragnarok said with an eye roll.

"Whatever." Tamamo said. "Besides I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What?" Ragnarok asked.

"Why haven't you taught Kenshin your attacks yet. The one's I've seen him using in spars with his sister, Xenovia and that Kiba fellow are the ones Heinrich Hein picked up in his travels around Makai and tailored to his needs."

"Yeah so?" Ragnarok said.

"So, if Kenshin's going to be your successor, he should start learning some more things from you." Tamamo said.

"You want me to teach him Flash Kill, Heavenly Demon Revival and Ninefold Rakshasa?" Ragnarok drawled. "Truth be told I was thinking of teaching him those attacks before he went and got himself kidnapped, but now I have to make sure his use of that Vessel of the Elements technique hasn't affected his swordsmanship and fighting in general."

"I don't think it has, his demonic regeneration is even better than yours was." Tamamo said.

"Well I didn't need amped up regeneration. I was a walking, talking...damn what are those things called again?" Ragnarok said. "They're giant, metal, roll around on tracks, we just watched one take down a building on that T.V contraption last night."

"A...Tank?" Kenshin suggested.

"Yes, that." Ragnarok nodded.

"Jeez, Dad really does sound like a crotchety old man who has trouble adjusting to the times he's living in, sometimes..." Salamander said.

"No kidding." Undine said.

Gnome nodded in agreement and Sylph just giggled. Kenshin got up. "Alright, hash all of this out later." He said. "And remember, if you give my mother any trouble, you will both be punished." With that said he left, leaving money on the counter to pay for Tamamo and Ragnarok's meals, with a note saying 'Just take the damn money, Eh? !' with a drawing of a chibi Kenshin shouting.

Kenshin was on his way to Kuoh Academy when a communication circle opened up next to his head. "Kenshin-San."

"Hm?" Kenshin said recognizing the voice. "Rossweisse how many times do I have to tell you it's just Kenshin?" He joked.

"U-Um, right." Rossweisse said. "Could you come up to the classroom for a moment?"

"Oh dear, am I in trouble?" Kenshin asked with a sly grin. "Please don't punish me too much Rossweisse-Sensei." He said with a faux pleading tone.

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