
As Jungkook worked to clear his mind of the troubling thoughts, he moved back and forth across the living room.

When Seokjin emerged from his room and became visible, he immediately stopped pacing back and forth and turned his attention to Seokjin. "Since you have changed into more acceptable attire, you appear quite different."

"I'm not really sure whether that's meant to be a compliment, but alright. Why did you want me out here, Jungkook?"

"I don't want any confusion between us, Seokjin. Please don't take this the wrong way. I have to tell you, in all honesty, that you have a really appealing appearance. On the other hand, I think it would be fun if we only went on dates. I am not sure how quickly things have moved in the previous relationships you have had in the past, but I consider myself to be a person who values tradition.

I am aware of your age, and because you are so young, maybe things will be different for you. In any event, I would urge that you respect my stand on this matter and refrain from making any underhanded attempts to entice me in any way. I am not easily seduced by others. Please be aware that I possess a great deal of self-control.

Therefore, restrict the behaviors that you are imagining carrying out in your head. I did not intend for this trip to have any other significance behind it. There is a reason behind my decision to have separate rooms."

Jin's eyes were wide open, and he was once again speechless due to his state of shock. After he had collected himself, he couldn't help but let out a laugh. He was again in disbelief.

"Are you nuts? What have I done that makes you think I'm trying to get you to like me? No, really, as an older man, are you crazy? Where the hell do you get those creative ideas, and why do you think it's okay to say them out loud? Jungkook, I'm not trying to get you to like me, not now and not ever!

I didn't even want to go out on this date! Just get over yourself, please. You are not as great as you think you are. I wouldn't be here with you if it weren't for Taehyung. I'm here because it's a favor to my friend."

Jungkook was concerned by what Seokjin had to say and asked, "what does your friend have to do with you being here with me?"

Jin heaved a sigh; he didn't care anymore as it was all out, "Jungkook, I only came on this date with you because my friend promised to pay my bills so he could go out with Jimin and they could have some peaceful time without you interfering or interrupting. Because, sadly, it would seem that no one around you can have peace if you don't have peace, particularly when you are obsessed with desiring someone or something that doesn't want you."

The muscles in Jungkook's jaw stiffened up, and he took a backward step as he ran his hand through his hair.

Jin instantly regretted how he had expressed himself, but this was the result of pushing him to his limits to the point where he snapped.

"Seokjin, I know I have said this before; nevertheless, I ask that you take me seriously this time because I am not going to give you another opportunity similar to this because I am not a fool. You traveled all the way here with me only because of your friend so he could go out on a date with my assistant, is that right?"

Jin's gaze traveled all over the ceiling as he gently nodded his head. "Jungkook, you are a fascinating guy, but to tell you the truth, to be fair, the sort of man you are is not the kind of man I would date. We are really different from one another."

"Seokjin, You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the gravity of the situation. I am totally aware of the reasons why you could consider me to be unsuitable for a romantic relationship with you. It makes perfect sense since I am me. I get it. Nevertheless, I postponed an international trip with a major client so that I could give you the opportunity to go on this date, and now you're telling me that you're just here so that your best friend may have a chance to fuck my assistant?

I won't even consider addressing the fact that you are having your bills paid out of this because if that was something you needed, I could pay your bills for the rest of your life. Are you actually a student at a university?"

In the absence of words, Jin remained silent.

"You are quiet. Well, keep being quiet. You are more than welcome to stay here for the rest of the weekend to enjoy the hospitality of this establishment. I am going to have to go. I am done giving you opportunities. I have been extremely honest about my feelings, and I have done all in my power to make this work. Despite this, I do not enjoy being tricked, and Seokjin, you have deceived me significantly.

I thought maybe you were different; in fact, when you said that you had had seven lovers, I thought maybe you have bad luck with men; nevertheless, it seems that the guys in your life have been the ones who have had bad luck. This behavior on your part is immoral. You have no right to call yourself a dog walker and behave in such a way. You were permitted to be around my dog because I trusted you to some degree. I am to blame for it.

I offered you the attention I wasn't required to give, but I gave it because I am a good man, yet you took it for granted. I wish you the best of luck in your life. I purchased you a new phone this morning, and it's now sitting on the table in the dining room. You are free to keep it since I do not accept returned items. You should feel ashamed of yourself for doing bad things to nice people just so you can pay your bills.

We had the potential to be amazing, Seokjin. We had the potential to be. It is not my fault; it is your loss. I would have paid all of your expenses without hesitation if you had asked." As he walked away, Jungkook gave a dismissive shake of his head.


"No, I urge you, just let me go. I know this is hard, but you have done and spoken enough. Your loss. I told you not to mess this up, but you did. Now live with it."

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