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 { breathe }

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 { breathe }


1.1k words

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The creature in the woods had come back, and it was climbing up the tower to eat what must've been it's prey. Panic was everywhere, everyone was running.

Smith saw the chaos as an opportunity and ran towards the two kids and John. "I'll take them."

John nodded and began to look for his other children. "Penny! Judy!"

Screams from others begin the emit into the air, parents were looking for their children while others were seeking shelter.

Penny, who was alone and near the creature, had hidden behind a stack of boxes. Peaking over, she sees the crocodile-like creature and makes a run for it in the other direction.

Unfortunately for her, the monster heard her and was going towards her direction. Seeing this from the window of the Jupiter, (y/n) and Will stand there in shock while Smith took this as a moment of weakness.

"Call your robot. Who cares if anyone sees it now."

The kids were out of options and Penny was running out of time. The creature had walked near the tent she was hidden in and began to sniff out the area. Penny was so close to freedom if it weren't for the Resolute communicating back at the worst time possible. This caused something to rip open to tent, revealing both John and Judy.


"I got you Penny." John grabbed this daughters arm and began to run out of the tent, only for them to turn back around to face the creature. 

The three took small steps backwards with John in front—holding out the small knife in case the creature were to attack. 

"Dad, why are we running?" Penny questioned, hiding behind her big sister.

"If we turn out backs, we haven't got a chance." He softly spoke, not daring to glance away from the monster for a split second.

"Will, (y/n). They're in danger, we all are." Smith was gripping the two's shoulders as they held hands in fear.

"Where are you?" Will muttered.

(y/n) tried scanning the area in case of seeing her friend. "Please robot."

The creature was only a few steps away from the family as it roared to them intimidatingly. It started running straight towards them and pounced up into the air before being knocked down by something, and that something was the robot. It had come back much to Will and (y/n)'s relief. 

Other survivors were peeping out from their hiding spots to take a look on who had stopped the hungry predator. Unlikely for them, the predator didn't like being knocked down. It roared loudly into the air—communicating for help—causing another one to appear out from the woods.

Judy sighed. "You've got to be kidding me." The creatures had surrounded the robot, circling  and watching his every movement. John took this as a chance and told his kids in a hushed voice, "Run, now."

Mistakably, robot had turned his back towards the creature's friend as it took it's chance an jumped on him; digging its teeth into the robot's back. The other one joined his friend as they began to try to ripe robot apart, but failed as his tough outer shell was made of metal. 

The duo had to watch their friend being attacked and ripped apart. 

"He won't fight back. Because we told him."

"That was a mistake." The young kids looked at Smith as she nodded at her words, persuading them to allow robot the ability to fight again.

"We have to tell him." Brown eyes met (e/c), no other words were said as they ran out of the Jupiter and towards robot. Hiding behind some boxes, they watched as their best friend was getting ripped apart. 

"Fight back." Will told him, robot was looking at the two with an unknown glow.

"Please, you have to fight back." (y/n) begged, tears starting to form on the corner of her eyes.

"You have to be like what you were before. You have to be bad."

"Do it. Be bad." Robot had gotten the memo from the cries of Will and (y/n) as he usually happy blue face turned into an angry shade of red. Two arms turning into four as it flipped one of the creatures off him and wrestled the other.

One of the creatures jumped on it's back, only to be met with a blast in the face with one of its many hands. One tried to pounce towards it but he only lifted it and threw him into a stack of crates. The creatures groaned in pain as the robot stood in his full form—showing everyone the type of creature he was.

Hearing the murmurs from the crowd behind it, it turned and began to stalk towards them, but this time with his hands ready to kill.

Immediately noticing this, the brown haired boy and the (h/c) haired girl ran in front of it, putting themselves in harms way. Standing in front of it, the both took the safe hands and held them.

"It's Will and (y/n)."

"It's okay."

On pure coincidence, Maureen had come back from her journey out in space to witness the pure connection between her son, almost daughter, and the robot. 

Knowing that everything was okay, robot turned back to the way he was prior, two arms and a bright blue face. Seeing this, (y/n) wrapped her arms around his waist to give him a big hug, making Will lightly laugh. 

Though this was a sweet moment for the three, the people around them were not feeling the it.


It was late. People were tired and in shock with the recent events so they all called it a day. (y/n) was in Will's room for their routinely night talk/sleepover.

"Do you think they'll make him go away?" The girl, situated on the floor, asked the boy on the bed.

"I don't know, but maybe after today they'll let him help with all the heavy lifting."

"Yeah, maybe." The girl rubbed her face tiredly. Will say the ring and his small reminder came back to him.

"What's with the ring? I always see you fidgeting with it and I'm pretty sure you've had it on before we met."

The girl looked at her ring and lightly smiled. "When I was ten, my parents introduced this tradition that apparently all (l/n) follow. When I hit the double digit age mark, I'll get a ring." The girl stood from her spot and sat down on the bed next to Will. Taking her ring off, she gave it to him and pointed to the inside of the jewelry. "And for ever ring, you get your initials engraved in it. If you look closely, I'm sure you can see it."

The boy lifted the ring in the air and got a closer look on it. "Woah, that's so cool."

The girl hummed in agreement, "It's the only thing I have left of them, but I'm glad it's a least a good memory."

The boy looked at her sadly and hugger her, with her gratefully returning the hug. The both of them just sat there in silence, letting the sound of each other's heart lull them to sleep. 


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