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 { breathe }

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 { breathe }


976 words

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Will and (y/n) decided that they needed a new rock for their small collection of things. Robot seemed to have found an interesting one as he picked it up and gave it to Will. "For our collection. Thanks that's a good one."

"Come on, we've gotta get home before mom and dad do." Judy told the two as she walked out. 

Penny looked at robot. "We'll come back for you."

This left just the trio, waiting to say their goodbyes. "We have to go. And you have to stay here."

"Danger, Will Robinson, (y/n) (l/n)."

"No, you're the one in danger. I know you want to come, but you can't. You have to stay here, okay?"

Will looked at the girl beside him who was oddly quiet to see small tears running down her cheeks. She ran up to robot and tackled him into a hug, "This isn't goodbye robot, I promise we'll see each other again." 

Robot must've not understood what was happening as when they two made their way out, he was a few steps behind them—making the two put their hands on his chest to stop him.

"Stay here."


With sad tears rolling out of their eyes, the duo made it out of the cave, leaving one of their own to watch them go.

Making their way back to the Jupiter, they had to be quick. They could already hear Maureen and John calling out their names. Will quickly went over to grab his headphones, tablet and a water bottle and sat in center room with his legs on the table. He was quickly joined by (y/n) who came in with a book and pretended that she was deep into the story.

The married couple turned towards the center room to finally see their son and his friend.


"Oh hey buddy." They attempted to call out to the two but they just simply ignored them, faking the deep concentration. 

"Will, (y/n)." Maureen went up to Will to tap him on his shoulder while John did the same with (y/n).

Standing up in realization, Will gave his mother a hug while John patted (y/n)'s shoulder as she greeted him with a nod.

"Oh hello," Penny walked into the room with robe on and with her hair in a towel. "I didn't expect you back so soon."

"Hi honey."

"Hi mama."

Judy jogged in next with her gym wear and water bottle and hugged her mom. "Hey mom."

Grabbing some water from the fridge, John asked his kids. "Was it okay here?"

"It was boring."

"Yeah it was really boring."

John look around and realized that they were missing someone. "Where's the robot." The four looked at each other with nervous eyes. None really knew how to tell the parents that they left him in a cave because he was the one attacking the Resolute. 

Seeing their nervous glances, Maureen sat up from her chair. "What's going on?"

Judy took one for the team and found a random excuse for the missing robot. "I don't know I think he wandered off."

"Wandered off?" Maureen asked in disbelief, she must've known that it wasn't typical robot behavior for him to go off by himself.

"Yeah, he must've maybe sensed something and went to check it out. Maybe something happened with his ship again." This time (y/n) was the one lying and it seemed to have worked as the two started to believe them.

Judy continued on to make sure that they were most definitely in the clear. "We considered going after him. It just seemed pretty irresponsible."

John sighed, fully believing what the kids were telling them. "Okay, I guess uh someone has to go after him."

"I hope it hasn't gone far." Maureen rolled her eyes and left the room with John following close after. The kids watched as they walked away before putting their eyes on Judy.

"You said 'he'." Will bragged.


Will stood up and walked to his oldest sister. "You called him 'he'."

"It's just a pronoun." Judy teased, placing her hand on his neck but the teasing didn't last long as her tone turned into a more serious one. "Hey, you are gonna tell dad the truth tomorrow, right?" Will didn't dare meet Judy's eyes and turned to look at (y/n) and Penny's instead. "Will?"

Finally looking at his sister, he breathed out. "Yeah. Sure."


Wanting to switch the topic, Will spoke the first thing that came to mind. "You guys think he'll be okay out there?" 

Penny rubbed Will's arm in a comforting manner. "The robot? Yeah you picked a good spot." 

"We're the only ones who know where he is, he'll be fine."

"Don't worry Will, the robot can handle his own just fine." Little did any of them know that they weren't the only ones who knew where he was.

And back at the cave, that certain someone was having a conversation with the robot, trying to connect and understand him.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just like I know you would never hurt me. Will and (y/n) made sure of that. Told you never to hurt anyone. Ever."

Talking more and more, she made it to the wall that the group had tagged earlier to see robot's handprint on it as well. "You want to belong." She whispered out. It finally clicked in her mind.

"Which is why you think you're doing the right thing. By following whatever that boy and girl tells you to do. But the thing you'll learn about people is...they're unreliable. They're not loyal like you are. They'll turn on you."

Though the robot couldn't talk, he argued in a way that he knew Smith would understand. "Will Robinson, (y/n) (l/n)."

"Yes, even Will Robinson and (y/n) (l/n). And when they do, who will be there to save you? Me." 

She started making her way out of the cave, letting the robot to wallow in his thoughts about the two kids he so deeply cared about and what the future will lie.


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