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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.7k words

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Everyone was immediately put into action and separated into groups.

Will had dragged (y/n) everywhere he went, insisting that she needed to be close to him if she were to begin to feel unwell. The walked hand in hand out of the engine room with robot carrying the engine. 

"I really don't think robot needs both of us to accompany him in and out of the engine room Will." (y/n) groaned, tugging the boy foreword so they would walk quicker.

"I know but what if you start to feel sick. The so called small conscious might not be so small. And you haven't even slept yet!" 

(y/n) sighed but in a blissful manner. She couldn't help but find the boy even cuter. "I'll be fine, and once this is all over, I promise I'll get some sleep. Okay?" The boy rapidly nodded his head. They soon entered the room where they were planning to trap the robots.

"Bring the engine right up to my mom." Will told the robot, walking towards his parents in the center of the room.

John looked up from what he was working on and muttered to Maureen. "And here comes the bait." 

The two stood up as Maureen shouted over the talking. "Okay, let's keep the hallways cleared. As long as nobody's in their way, nobody's going to get hurt." Robot placed the engine in the middle. "These things are singularly focused, they're gonna come right here for this engine, once they get in this room-"

"We'll crush them like tinfoil." John finished for her.

"That's the plan. Come on." 

A beep on the PA system caught everyone's attention. It was Captain Kamal and she was warning everyone. "Attention Resolute crew, ten minutes to contact with the alien hostiles." 

"Okay, come one, let's hurry up." Maureen ordered everyone. She crouched down to see that Will wasn't paying attention.  "What's the matter?" 

Will looked to his mother, than to (y/n)—whom was helping a survivor—and back to his mother. "Adler just died trying to save Scarecrow and here we are, trying to destroy a hundred Scarecrows. A hundred of him." Will pointed to robot. 

"There's only one of him. He's special." Maureen smiled at her son before walking away.

"Maybe Scarecrow was special too." Will tried to reason.

"Maybe, but we don't know what happened to Scarecrow after you left. For all we know, he's on that ship coming to attack us." 

"I'm not sure this is the right thing to do." Will stood up, arguing against his mother's ways.

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