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 { breathe }

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 { breathe }


1.0k words

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"Hey, hey I'm here to take care of you okay?" Judy opened her med kit and checked his pulse. "His pulse is weak. Okay, I need something for the pain. Hold his neck and head still." Aiko nodded as Judy grabbed a syringe and injected it into Evan's body.

(y/n) had her hand covering her mouth as she saw Evan's state. His eyes were closed and he had blood all over his clothes. 

"We need to move the tank now." Judy informed Victor. He nodded and ordered Peter to do so.

"Grab the sling, attach it to the tank. I'll pull the Chariot into position. Let's go." Peter and Diane rushed to get things done. 

"Hey. Hey. Hey, stay with me. Hang in there." Victor bent over to see a small rock jabbed into the tank. 

"Wait. Wait. This isn't going to work."


"The tank has landed on a rock. It's stuck in like a plug. We've got to find another way. Wait stop!"

"I just need an inch, we can slide him out!" Judy begged, she needed to save him.

"The tank's pressurized. If we lift it, we're gonna lose all the fuel. Radio the Jupiters. Have them send a replacement tank. We can siphon off the fuel."

"It'll take them hours to get here. He'll go into renal failure by then. We need to move the tank." Judy argued. 

"This is a horrible situation, but we trained for this when we signed up. Let's not let our emotions dictate what we do next."

"This isn't about my emotions."

"Judy, how many patients have you actually treated? Ones where you weren't supervised by a real doctor?"

"Two." Judy whispered out. 

"And one of those was your mother right?"

"Yes, but-"

"I think you're doing the best you can, and I commend you for that. I wanna help Evan and I'm gonna help him. But that fuel could save your family. Save his family, right?" Judy said nothing. "Send for that replacement tank."

"Wait!" (y/n) intervened. "What-What if we somehow cut the rock so that it could be lifted with the tank! That way we could slide Evan out while also saving the rest of the fuel." 

Victor thought for a moment but pushed against the idea. "That could work but we don't have anything sharp enough to cut through the rock, besides if that doesn't work then all our efforts would be wasted." 

(y/n) groaned, not liking that Victor was so quick to dismiss her idea. But with time running short, she didn't blame him. 

"Beckert, move that tank." Judy ordered, walking towards the Jupiter.

𝕭𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora