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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


 851 words 

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And that's what they did, they ran as fast as their little legs could go, hiding behind a giant tree and crouching in hopes to evade the weird pair of robot legs.

Silence. Nothing could be heard except for the huffs and puffs that the duo were taking. 

Maybe it's gone...



spoke too soon

Continuing the run, Will thought of a clever escape plan. Reaching towards a tree with branches, he made his way up with the help of (y/n). The two began to climb ever so slowly, helping one another, until they were at a safe height.

Facing the bottom half of a robot, they shuffled backwards on their branch as it made its attempt to follow them but failed miserably.

"How can you see us?" 

With her back towards her friend, she turned to face him, but what she saw made her face pale.

"W-Will, b-behind you." 

Slowly turning his head around, he was faced with the upper half of the robot with its four claws up in the air with one striking downwards. Will was lucky enough that it only ripped his jacket but he didn't want to know what happened if it didn't miss. 

The (h/c) and dirty blonde scooted all the way until they reached the end. Neither one said anything, just continued to stare at the being in front of them.

"At least it can't reach us, right?" Will looked at the girl strangely as she sheepishly smiled at him. 


Hours passed by and they were still in the same spot. The upper half of the body stuck on the end of the branch and the bottom half roaming around the tree. Darkness surrounded them and the only light source was the robot's face. It had millions of red dots, stars almost, that were twinkling and flashing in different patterns.

Clicking on his radio, "Dad, this is Will. Do you read me? I'm kind of in a lot danger right here. Probably not as much danger as before but definitely still in danger," Looking towards his half-awake companion he continued, "But at least I'm not alone this time."

It was the same response as last time. There was no response other than, the strange sound, but this time, the robot reacted to it.

Tilting her head, (y/n) rubber her eyes. "We've heard that noise before, didn't we?"

Nodding, the boy looked back to his front. "It's coming from your ship. Isn't it." Continuing to 'talk' with their new friend, both of them failed to realize that their surroundings were starting to catch up into flames. Burning anything and everything in its path. 

A small butterfly like creature decided to intervene in their conversation. Fluttering towards the girl first and landing softly on her nose, then to landing on Will's arm, and even on one of the robots claws. 

And in that moment, it wasn't just two kids beside a half decapitated robot, it was three lost souls, finding comfort in each other's company.

"Guess you've never seen anything like that either."

The robot's light turned from red to a soft orange, almost showing its curiosity. 

"We haven't either..." 

The small winged creature drifted away from the trio, almost letting the atmosphere dial down to what it was before. Almost.

Looking at their new 'friend', the kids began to realize that his lights were slowly fading and disappearing. 

"Wait, what's happening to your lights?"

"Will," Softly grabbing her friends arm, small tears pricked her eyes. "I think he's dying."

The robot looked down towards and longingly stared at its other half. Sadness filled the kids eyes, the image of being alone and hurt in the middle of nowhere was all too familiar, but they at least had each other while the robot had no one. 

The sound of trees crashing interrupted. Remember that fire from a while ago? Yea well it was spreading everywhere. Fast. 

Standing up steadily on the branch, both try to reach the next branch up but due to its tall height, they were unable to reach it. Tears were coming out of both of the kids eyes as they knew their fate.

"W-Will," (y/n) voiced. 


"I know we just met a few hours ago but if we're not gonna make it, I-I want you to know that your the bestest of friends that I have ever made."

Will lightly chuckled. "B-Bestest isn't a real word." There was no response, just a small sad smile given to one another. 

Looking back at the robot in front of them, they looked at each other, then back at it. Slowly crawling towards the end of the branch, Will sat down and began to search his pockets. Realizing that he must've lost it during the run, he looks back at his friend to see her already holding the object in hand. 

"No point in us all dying." She sniffed out. Grabbing the wire, Will gave her a sad smile and carefully turned back around and began to cut the wood. With the heavy weight of the bot and the gravity pulling it down, the branch snapped, leaving the two kids all on their own. 


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