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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.4k words 

— — — — —

365 days later

Will was having yet another nightmare. He shifted in his sleep before harshly waking up. After taking a deep breath, he sat up and watched as robot peeked through the door.

"You're supposed to be on watch." He told him, sighing as he lifted his blanket away and stood up. Will grabbed his jacket and walked passed robot, knocking twice on robot's body to signal him to follow him.

He walked outside to look up at the damaged engine. A solemn look on his face before walking past it.

The boy had grown a lot. His had completely lost his baby face and grew a more chiseled chin. He grew a lot taller and his hair was shorter, slightly sticking forward instead of down. 

He stretched his neck and looked out into the village that they created, looking left to see that his eldest sister was walking out as well. They make eye contact but it breaks when Will looks away.

His eyes trail to his other sister as she walks out of her cabin, sniffing her shirt and scrunching her nose at it. The three all look at one another but they look away, heading to their duties.

Judy sighs at this and begins to record. "Captain's log, day 365. Well, dad, it's been a year and we're still here. Where ever here is. The rest of the planet died a long time ago. How or from what, we still don't know, btu the Jupiter's computer found a spot deep in the valley where life was able to survive, and so far, so have we." 

Judy walks through their little farm, looking around and checking for anything that looks wrong. "The corn yield is up 3% from last week. The solar rays have been optimized, batteries are back to full charge. No major injuries or illnesses to report. We even have school now."

Smith is seen teach a group of young kids french. Starting with learning about the french pronouns. "Doctor, or should I say, Madame Smith seems to have found her true calling. The threat from falling meteors is ongoing, so we stay vigilant, monitoring the skies day and night. So far, none have reached us down here in the valley. For us, that counts as good luck. But none of it stops anyone from missing their parents or wondering if we're even gonna make it to Alpha Centauri."

"Turns out recasting a damaged engine out of raw titanium ore doesn't go very fast. We've switched to three hour shifts, but to date, we've only managed to refine 72% of the material Will says we need to make the Jupiter flight worthy. I'm sure he's working as fast as he can. It's just going a lot slower than anyone wants. It was supposed to only take a few weeks, and its turned into a year."

Will walks through the boiling machines, making sure that everyone was doing their job correctly before making it to his own station. "Will seems to be taking it personally. he doesn't look like he's had a good nights sleep in months. He doesn't talk to me about it. We don't really talk much about anything lately. It seems like none of us do."

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