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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.1k words

— — — — —

"Is there another way around?" Looking around, there was no hope. The ravine had spread out for miles and miles on end, and with the short amount of time that they had. There was no way they would make it.

"Doesn't seem to be."

"There's no where to go."

"There has to be something we can do."

"Where's the robot." On cue, a tree dropped down from the sky right beside them; creating a bridge that accessed the other side.

"That work's too." The non-Robinson muttered, slightly in awe of the robot's raw strength. 

"See, useful." Will showed off to his sisters.

Judy rolled her eyes and guided the youngest of the group towards the edge of the fallen tree. As they began to make their way across, shuffling step-by-step, the unknown creature emerged from the bushes to reveal it's scaly face and statue which resembled much of an alligator.

Sensing the immediate danger, robot's face beamed a dangerous red before letting out a roar that could rival the creature's roar. As if deciding to play it safe, that said creature backed away and fled back into the forest.

Turning back to his fellow friends, the light of on his face switched from the scary red and back to a playful blue. He raised his arms in victory, causing Will to do the same.

"Yeah!" Though the action caused him to have difficulty with balancing, it was worth it for the fact that Judy started to trust robot a bit more then she did a second ago. 


After walking for a few minutes, they were soon entered an area with a cliff that had multiple waterfall flowing down towards a big pong. (y/n) stared at it in awe as Penny did the same. Though they were distracted from the sight by a certain robot clapping his hands.

Sensing his friend's thoughts, Will went up to him and gently put his arms back to his side. "No no no no no, it doesn't work like that. There aren't any flowers everywhere. These are rocks, flowers grow in dirt."

Judy looked over at the two in front of her with a soft smile before concentrating back to the matter at hand. "Hey, that cave isn't too much farther right? We gotta go before mom and dad come home, (y/n), Penny."

As the two walked back, (y/n) went up to robot to seem him looking down at his hands. "Don't worry, once we get back to Alpha Centauri I'll make sure to teach you how to plant flowers." 

The robot's star glowed brighter at the girl as she smiled. 

As the made their way back into the forest, Penny struck up a conversation. "When we get to Alpha Centaur, you think they'll trade us up for one of those family dwelling units in town?"

"I'm not sure exactly."

"My family was given a unit so you guys will probably get one too."

Will turns his head and looks at the girl in confusion. "You already have a unit?"

The girl nodded. "My grandmas and brother are already there, just waiting for me and my parents." The girl said the last part under her breathe.

Will looks at the girl in sadness, was his best friend gonna leave once they reached their new home planet. He opens his mouth to say something but a deeper voice beat him to it. 

"Let's tighten it up."

"What was that." They all stop in their tracks and hide behind the bushes to reveal a group of people. 

"We have to pick up the pace, my Jupiter is only another six kilometers away from here." As they begin to talk, robot peeks out in curiosity only for the kids to nudge him back behind a stump. 

"I recognize that guy." Judy squinted at the man leading the group. "That's our colony representative." 

"Pretty sure mom voted for the other guy." 

"My parents worked with him, he's nice, strict but nice." 

As the group's figures started to dim out, the four began to stand up and hike down the small hill. What the others couldn't notice was the awestruck expression that was on Penny's face. 

Will pointed out to a small piece of paper on the ground. "Hey, I think someone dropped this."

"What is it?" Will picked it up.

"It's an envelope. Should we open it."

"No, it's not ours." "Yeah let's do it." Penny and (y/n) looked at each other as one had a sheepish smile and the other had a light glare. 

"Hey." The voice was coming from a scrawny boy who was apparently the colony representative's son.

"Hi." Penny's face lit up even more.

"Where are you guys coming from? Are you with the Jupiter we passed back..." The boy trailed off when he realized that Will was holding on to the envelop. "Hey, that's mine. Sorry I'm gonna need that back."

"Oh what, this thing?" Penny had snatched the piece of paper out of Will's hand before the boy would be able to take it back.

"Seriously give it back." As he tried to reach for it, he had looked behind the group to see the robot. Panicking, he yelled out, "Get down!" And threw a rock at the robot. 

Though it failed as robot caught it—and almost as if he thought they were playing a game, he softly through the ball back in a playful manner.

"Okay, it's okay, he's with us." 

Not daring to look away from the robot, he asks the question that floated in his mind. "What is that."

"It's kind of a long story."

"It's no that long." 

"It is when you tell it." (y/n) laughed in her fist from the comment but Judy lightly nudged her to stop.

"Hey! Hey dad-" The boy's yells were stopped when Judy stepped in and put her hand to his mouth, muting any words that try to come out. 

"Here's the thing, we're gonna need you to keep this quiet okay?"

The boy ripped Judy's hand off her mouth. "My dad's in charge, he needs to know about this."

"No, actually. Your dad's in charge on Alpha Centauri and when we get there you can tell him whatever you want. Until that points, this needs to stay our little secret."

"I don't trust him." Judy interjected. 

"I do."

"Why's that?"

"Because if whatever's in this is as important as it seems, he's gonna do what we say. So do we have a deal?"

The boy looked at each person individually and nodded. "Okay." With one more look of the robot and a giant push from Judy, he ran back to meet up with his father and their group. 

Will and Judy looked at each other before bursting out with comments about the robot and the unknown boy while (y/n) looked at Penny with a teasing look as she had a small smile on her face.

"Looks like someone has a crush." The younger girl sang, causing the older one to snap her head towards her. 

"Whatever, let's go." She scoffed, walking away from the  (h/c) haired girl and towards her arguing siblings. 


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