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 { breathe }

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 { breathe }


1.1k words

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"But it's money!" 

"(y/n), not everything revolves around money." Judy sighed, trying to check the Chariot batteries while entertaining the young girl.

"I know but still, money can solve a lot of problems so you can't really blame the guy."

"That doesn't-" Judy tried to argue but was cut off when Victor started talking.

"Okay everyone, listen up. In just three hours, we're gonna have a tank full of liquid methane ready for transport. I..." Victor stopped talking when Don raised his hand. "What is it."

Don pointed at himself. "Me?" Victor hummed. "Yeah, I was just wondering what we're gonna do when the Jupiter falls off the edge and takes the fuel tank with it?"

"Well clearly that's not gonna happen."

"Oh, you can have all the hope you want but gravity may have other plans. You see Vic, the west side of the Jupiter is hanging over the edge. Now the auxiliary fuel supply, that's on the east side. As we transfer the fuel out, the east side get's lighter. The weight shifts to the west side, sending it over the edge. And since our hose is connected to that tanker..."

"Then the tanker would fall off with the Jupiter." (y/n) continued, slightly impressed with Don's intelligence. 

"See, she get's it."

"Okay, so do you have a better idea? Or do you want us to pay for that too?" Judy glared at the man, still slightly annoyed with the deal he made with Victor.

"We use the Chariots as in anchor. We dig down, attach the towlines to the Jupiter. With the torque in the engines, we counteract the shift in the weight." The ginger man, Evan, said, wanting to get the job done and over with. 

"Will that work?" Victor questioned Don.

"It might. Just gotta get the right guy behind the wheel."

"Or right girl." Judy intervened, having everyone look at her in curiosity. "No offense, but who do you expect to handle this? Some who saves lives or someone who gambles with them."

"No offense? How is that not offensive?" Don pointed out, clearly offended by Judy's statement. 

Victor looked between the two and patted Judy's shoulder before walking away. "Don't let us down Robinson." 

Judy smirked at Don and walked back to the Chariot, leaving two pairs of eyes to follow her.

"Dang, you need ice for that burn Don?" (y/n) laughed, smirking at the man beside her. Her smirk dropped when the man wrapped his arm around her neck and gave her a noogie.

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