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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.2k words

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Robot's head was than suddenly turned slanted, as if someone twisted his neck. He slumped to the floor and kneeled in pain.

Will was immediately at his side. "Hey." He said to him, helping the robot stand up. Robot's face started to move when his body tensed up and looked downwards. Almost as if he was saddened by something. 

Will understood what his body language was saying. "Scarecrow's gone. Isn't he." Robot turned to Will. "I'm so sorry." 

Robot could only look at the floor in guilt, walking away from the room to mourn the loss of his friend.

"Can someone please explain to me what just happened?"

"It was SAR." (y/n) told the redhead, walking over to Will and holding his hand in comfort. "He knows where the adults are and are using them for bait to lure us in."

Judy sighed signaled the five over to a corner, to which Liam and Damian joined in.

"I think everybody's spooked about what just happened." Vijay said to to group.

"That's exactly what SAR wants." Judy said to them.

"We don't know what he wants." Will dug his fingers into his palms in frustration.

"Yes, we do. He wants the engine." Judy told him.

"And he's gonna threaten us with our parents to get it." 

Judy agreed with Damian's words. "He knowns that we'll go there and give it to him."

"What if he's after more than just our engine?" Will asked his sister. 

"Okay, he could be after a ham sandwich for all I care. He's gonna kill our parents. We can't let that happen." Vijay argued.

"Hold on." Liam butted in. "We have to thing things through."

"No, Vijay's right." Penny suddenly said, causing Vijay and (y/n) to look at her with wide eyes.

"He is?" They said in unison. 

"Sorry, I think that's the first time you've ever said that." (y/n) would've chuckled at Vijay's words if it weren't such a tense atmosphere. 

"Guys, SAR didn't just make a threat. He just made a mistake." Penny told them. "He just showed us where our parents are. Their exact coordinates. So we can go get them, use the robot-"

"It's not a mistake, Penny. It's a trap." Judy said to her. "You know I was given direct orders to take us to Alpha Centauri from our parents. From everyone's parents. People who put their trust in me to get us there." 

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