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 { breathe }

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

 { breathe }


1.0k words

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They made it to their destination in no time. But it was not what anyone of them expected. Don jumped out of Jupiter 11 to see nothing but small rocks on the ground and a giant cliff that would lead to a fast death.

"This doesn't make sense." Don was wide-eyed, staring into nothing in front of him. "It was here. It was right here."

Everyone jumped out of the Chariot and jogged with Don to the edge to see if the Jupiter had possibly fallen down but because they were so high up, they couldn't properly see anything below them. 

"I knew this was a mistake." Peter told Victor. 

"Maybe it fell." Don tried to reason.

"You brought us all the way here for "maybe it fell"? Deal's off West, let's go. Everybody load up, maybe we'll get back before dark." Victor huffed, putting his gloves on.

"What does he mean "deal's off"? What deal?" Judy asked him. 

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." Do tried to dismiss the topic but with Victor feeling angry about the situation, he told them.

"Oh what, he didn't tell you? Your pal here demanded money to show us where the fuel was. He's a real hero." Victor walked away with the rest of the adults, leaving Judy, (y/n) and Don to talk.


"In my defense, it was supposed to be a confidential-type of arrangement." He tried to walk away but was soon followed by Judy and (y/n).

"This is about out survival, life and death and you were holding it hostage?"

"Okay so when a doctor get's paid for saving someone's life, that's okay? But when a guy like me does-"

"That's different." 

The young girl watched as both started arguing back and forth, and to be fair, she had no side to pick. Yes, Don may have been in the wrong for not telling the other survivors of the fuel earlier but considering the fact that he would be sent straight back to Earth when they get to Alpha Centauri, he should at least go down with a bit of cash down his pockets.

Frustrated, Don kicked the floor only to be met with a banging sound. Looking down, he scraped some rocks away. "Did you hear that?"

He kneeled and shoved some of the rocks and mud away to reveal a metal exterior. "Oh my god it's here. Hey, it's here! Come here, we've been standing on it!" 

"It must've been buried when the storm came!" (y/n) brightened, joining Don on her knees and helping dig the Jupiter.

They others soon joined the three as they all started digging. 

"Look for the top hatch." Judy told them before the Jupiter beneath them shifted closer towards the edge. 

"Whoa, slow, slow, slow. Back up slowly." Don told the others, reaching over the help the young girl that had fallen over.

"See, I knew it was here the whole time." Don said, after they all stood back up. 

"We don't know if the full is still inside. Don't count your chickens West." Victor retaliated, rolling his eyes in the process. 

"Oh, I won't be counting them, sir. I only have the one. Her name is Debbie." All eyes turned to him as he smiled.

"You have a chicken, and you named it Debbie?" (y/n) asked him, eyes full of concern and curiosity. 

"That's a story for another day kid, so, who's got the shovel?" 

After an half around of digging, they were able to find the top hatch. Victor send in the ginger male to check to fuel meter, and to Victor's surprise, it was full.

"Apology accepted." Don cockily said.

Victor stared down at the man and ignored his words. "Fill her up. Let's get out of here." He stated, leaving so he wouldn't have to see Don's giant smug smirk and the small fist bump from him and (y/n).


Back to the father-son-robot trio, Will was struggling to bring a big rock over to where his father stood. As he panted and put the rock down for a few seconds, John encouraged him.

"Come on, you can do it."

As the boy was finally able to bring the rock over, he set it on the ground. "Done."

"Not quite. We need 26 more just like that."

"What? Am I being punished?" 

"No, no, no. I'm just.. I'm just trying to help you understand that you have a responsibility now."

"This is about him. Isn't it?"

"In a way."

"But I already know what I'm doing, dad. I can control him. You saw it. He listens to me. He does what I say."

"Will, he is not a tool."

"I know, so does (y/n). He's more then that. He our friend. He's there when we need him."

"But he wasn't always your friend, was he? As much as we'd all like to change the past, undo our mistakes, we can't. We have to live with our history. 

So in honor of that, we're gonna place 27 stones here today. A cairn. A monument to all those who lost their lives in the attack on the Resolute."

Will looked up at his father in understanding. This was not something he could do, it was something he had to do.

As John picked the rock where Will dropped it, they moved over to be standing in front of a short boulder.

"You know today I, I spoke to a woman named Angela. She lost her husband on the Resolute. This first one's for him." He placed the rock on the boulder and dusted his hands, as Will went back to the pile of rocks and began to carry them over.

Will was able to finish 24 more rocks, now having 25 placed as a cairn. He only had 2 more to do.

"Here, let me help you  with the last two." Joh offered but was refused by the boy. 

"No. These last two are for (y/n)'s parents. I have to do this." John nodded at his words and watched proudly as he placed the second last stone, and finally the last one. He walked up to his son and gave him a side hug, one that Will immediately returned. 

"Let's hope we never have to add another one." The boy nodded, proud that he was able to accomplish something like this that meant so much to others, especially to (y/n). 


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