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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.2k words

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They had done it, the ship was sailing.

But the journey was rough. They had landed on rocks, setting their path way off track until Maureen found a solution.

But by then, they were too late. The winds from the monsoon had caught up to them, making sailing a lot harder then they expected. 

But with the release of Smith and her taking over the ship, they were able to cross with minimal damage. So with the agreement of everybody, they all headed to bed to lay for a few hours.

Will sat up on the edge of his bed, looking towards the counter top which stood the small version of the robot he made and began to talk.

"So I learned how to drive. And today for the first time, I drove by myself. I crashed. I wish you'd been there to see it. Everyone thinks I miss you is because you help us out of trouble but we do okay on our own. I just miss you cause we're friends." 

Will stringed out a necklace from beneath his shirt, showing a long thin rope that looped around a ring. (y/n)'s ring. He smiled at it before looking back at the small robot. 

"So, the whole reason I was crashing the Chariot is because we've been sailing across the ocean. In the Jupiter. With sails, real sails if you can believe it. Me, Judy and Penny made a pretty good crew, until it was just me and Judy because Penny was too busy throwing up." The boy chuckled, continued to hold the necklace in his hand as he kept on talking. 


"We made it babe." Maureen announced, smiling at the clear skies and sea in front of her. "Pretty soon we're gonna be off this planet."

" I didn't want it all to end."

"We're surrounded by water we can't drink and air we can't breathe." 

"But we made our home here. Finally we were all together again."

"We're still together." 

"Wait. Do you see that?" John looked ahead and squinted his eyes. Something about the water in front of them didn't seem right. 

"What is that? Are those more shoals?"

"I don't like this." The Jupiter rumbled. "We're caught in the current. We've gotta slow down." As they got closer, it was one of the most unusual things they have yet to see for the planet. "Is that a waterfall?" 

John and Maureen did their best to stop the Jupiter from continuing, needing to slow down or else they would fall down below. 

"Everyone hold on, we're going over." 

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