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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.1k words

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"In order to stage a mutiny, there are a few things you need to know. One, how much time do you have?" 

"Not much. As soon as the robot gets that engine in place, Hastings will launch and abandon everyone down on that planet."

"Two, know your target."

"The bridge. Can't control the ship from anywhere else."

"Three, your obstacles."

"There's too many to count, but let's start with security."

"We're currently operating with a skeleton crew which means we've only go 18 security officers on board."

"Only 18. How are we supposed to neutralize 18 highly trained guards?"

"We don't need to neutralize 8 of them. Just one. This guy. He'll be armed so you have to be prepared."

"Wait, I'll have to be prepared?" John lifted his leg onto the table and showed the metal bracelet around his ankle.

"You know, you can overpower someone without ever even laying a hand on them." Smith intercepted. 

"How's that?" Maureen asked the woman.

"Find their weak spot. Everyone have one, you just have to dig a little and find out where it is."

"Samantha," Judy pointed out. "Her father was a security offer on the ship. Maybe her mom knows something about this guy. Maybe you could go talk to them."

Flashbacks of Samantha's father begging for help flashed through Smith's mind. Only when Judy was calling out to the women did she snap out of her trance.

"Smith. Smith. Will you go find out if she knows anything?" 

"I, uh, I really shouldn't."

"What are you talking about? You're good at getting into people's minds. In like, a nice way you know." Penny joked.

"I think it's best if I'm not seen with all of you. Now that I'm in on the inside with Hastings and all. Why don't you just ask (y/n)? She's close to that Samantha girl."

Judy nodded. "Okay, I'll go get her and I'll send you a message when she's ready mom." The woman nodded as Judy left the room in search of (y/n).

Wondering through the halls, she eventually found the girl walking along side Will. "Hey Will, I'm gonna have to steal (y/n) from you for a while."

The boy looked at his older sister confused. "Um, okay?"

"Great." Judy dragged (y/n) far enough away so that no one would be able to hear them. "I need you to talk to Samantha and her mom."

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