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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


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As the robot followed the kids demands, he began to open the door the let the only adult out. Will cried out to the woman, wanting to make sure that his family was okay. 

"My mom and dad, make sure they're-"

"I will." The woman called back, as the robot slammed the door back closed and presumed his usual spot. 

"And my sisters!"

"Don't worry. I got this."

Minutes went by with the two looking at the door, waiting for this whole thing to be over. Sighing for the nth time, (y/n) began to walk over to the wall and sat down on the floor with Will joining her moments later.

"Was it bad?" She finally spoke.

Will gave her a confused look. "What do you mean-"

"My Jupiter. Was the crash bad."

Will froze and slowly looked at his friend. Her gaze was to the floor and she was fiddling with her ring again. Noticing that it was a reoccurring habit of hers, he made a mental note to ask her about it later.

 "I-It was um-"

Interrupting her friend, (y/n) looked him in the eye and spoke to him seriously. "Be honest."

"It was bad, the parts were dismantled and almost everything was on fire." Will started to panic as the corner of the girl's eyes began to water. "B-But we didn't see anyone out there so your parents must be still alive."

She sniffed and rubbed her eyes so that the tears wouldn't fall out. "B-But what if their not? What am I gonna do? I don't have any other relatives on the Resolute and-"

"Then you'll live with me."


"Y-Yeah, you already have a room in the Jupiter so you can stay with my family, I'm sure mom and dad won't mind." With that (y/n) tackled Will in a giant hug, wrapping her arms around his necks, this shocked they boy  for a second before he hugged back.

"Thank you Will. For everything." (y/n) mumbled.

"Of course, you were there for me so it's only fair that I'm here for you." He mumbled back. Breaking the hug, they smiled brightly at each other, causing one of their hearts to beat a bit faster then the other's. 

"But, there's something I should tell you. It's about robot."

Giving him a puzzled smile, (y/n) encouraged him to go on. "What is it?"

"H-He's the one who caused us to evacuate on the Resolute." The girl's lack of response gave Will a chance to explain. "Remember when I said that my parents and I explored the robots ship? Well they did but something happened, I'm not sure exactly what but it showed me the past. It was like I was the robot, I could see what he saw and it showed me something. On the resolute, he was killing people."

"Do you, do you think he's still like that?" 

"No." The boy was confident, especially knowing that the robot was willing to die for the both of them. 

"Okay, I believe you."

Will was surprised to say the least, he just told his best friend that the robot, who they saved and was protecting them from danger, was the one who attacked the Resolute and was the reason they were stuck on a unknown planet. 

The girl giggled at her friend's face, "I believe you Will, besides he wouldn't be protecting us like he is right now if he hadn't changed." 

Will smiled so brightly that imaginary stars started beaming from behind him. Just as he was about the say something, the Jupiter flipped onto its side, causing the both of your to slam into the wall. Robot took immediate action by going to the both of you and pulled you into a hug. 

The Jupiter kept twisting and turning repeatedly, making the whole room unstable. But luckily, the robot had a good grip on the two kids so they wouldn't have thrashed around the room like the rest of the objects. 

With the help of John, the Jupiter was able to make it out of the glaciers in one piece, but not without a rough landing.

"Will? (y/n)!" A voice yelled out to the two. Entering the room, Maureen saw a sight that softened her heart. Both Will and (y/n) were hugging the robot as if their life depended on it. "Kids?"

Robot dropped his arms and let the two free with Will jumping into his mother's arms. Smiling at her son and reciprocating his hug, she looked at (y/n)— who was standing beside robot— and mouthed a thank you. The girl simply smiled back. 

"I'm sorry we weren't there to help." Will admitted, worry and sadness in his tone.

"It's okay sweetie, I know both you and (y/n) would've if you could've." Maureen caressed her son in a loving manner. (y/n) walked up to John wanting to hug him but backed out last minute due to the smell.

Plugging her nose, she mocked the man. "You smell and look like shit." 

Instead of getting angry, he smiled and gave out a hearty laugh. "Thanks." 

An arm was put around the girl's shoulders as Maureen started to lead the two kids away with John nodding at the robot in thanks and following them soon after.


After a much needed shower, Penny called out to the rest of her family and friends. "Guys! Guys, come here quick!"

Clicking a button on the monitor in front of her, a voice began to speak. "This is Captain Radic broadcasting from the Resolute. We've taken on heavy damage, but are still operational. Life support systems have been stabilized, navigational capabilities are being assessed. Wounded are being tended to. Most importantly, we believe in time, we'll be able to get back on course towards our new home Alpha Centauri."

Screaming in excitement, Maureen started to bear hug her two youngest kids while John grabbed his eldest and (y/n) into a side hug. Voices overlapped each other as all were happy about the given news. Switching children, Maureen hugged Judy and (y/n) while John had Penny and Will. 

Laughter was finally in the air as all the crew members of Jupiter 2 finally had some peace in mind. All but one. 


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