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 { breathe }

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 { breathe }


1.2k words

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Because it was getting late, Victor decided that they would stay the night and leave when the sun rose. Hearing the news, Don pulled Judy and (y/n) aside to talk.

"I don't know who she is but she's not Doctor Smith." Pulling out an ID card from his pocket, he handed it to Judy. (y/n) peered over at the girl to see an old man, presumably around his 40s with the name 'DR. SMITH' under the photo. "I had even more proof in my hand. Photographs, diplomas. Pictures of the man with his family, wearing the god damn St. Christopher necklace." 

"So why would she-"

"I don't know. But one thing's for damn sure, you don't go through this much trouble unless you have something to hide." Walking away frustrated, Don left Judy and (y/n) to soak in the information. 

"What do we do?" The young girl asked Judy, but even she had no clue for what to say and do.


"You're the best friend I ever had." Will admitted, tears rolling down his eyes. Him and robot resided at the top of the same cliff that they were at a few hours ago.

"You know that, right?" Robot's face started flickering, almost knowing what he had done to Will's father. Giving robot one last hug, Will savored the moment before letting go.

"I have to be responsible for you." Will pointed his finger to the edge of the cliff. "Step forward." Robot obeyed, looking down at the rocks below, turning to the boy one last time, before stepping off the side of the cliff. 

Crashing down, he split apart, pieces separating from one another and laying there motionless. 

Picking up a heavy rock, Will placed it on the cairn, guilt and sadness flowing through his eyes. Making his way back to the camp with one less friend. 


"Unbelievable." Judy muttered, continuing to look at the ID card. "I should've known."

"She played me even before we crashed here." Don comforted. "I fell for it like a sucker. I blame my innate sense of compassion."

"Your tried to profit off our survival?" Judy questioned. 

"Nothing illegal about that."

"You also smuggle booze."

"How did this become about me? Look, the point is I use my own name. I didn't steal it off some guy. Wonder what happened to him. The real Doctor Smith."

The ground shook, alerting Aiko in the back. "Anyone else feel that? It was a tremor, I think."

Judy ignored her. "I'm calling home." Reaching to grab the radio, she was stopped by Don. 

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