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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


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As the four followed the robot, Ben was still wary about trusting him completely.

"You seem so relaxed, the way you leave them alone together." 

"Will nor (y/n) would be alive if it wasn't for him."

"So you trust it completely."

"Let me put it this way. If I had to choose somebody to get us home safe and it was between the robot and you, it would be the robot."

They soon entered a tunnel, that kept going and going until there was a cave inside.

"Is this what you wanted to show us?" Will asked the robot, as he shun his flashlight to the wall. 

"You drew this." (y/n) smiled. 

"What is it?" Maureen asked. 

"Drawings. He made them." Will answered. 

"Drawings of what?"

"Us." Will got on a couple of rocks and pointed at a drawing with a three and three stick figures. "The three, when we first saw you. And, ah the jellyfish. And playing catch."

"You taught the robot the play catch?" (y/n) laughed at the boy.

"Of course, he's pretty good at it too." Another drawing caught his eyes. "Oh, and Judy, when you saved her from the ice."

Ben got a closer look. "Memories?"

"Yeah, but, they're not all his. Some of these are mine. Even though we were apart, you saw these things too. We've been connected this whole time." As if he sensed that his human best friend was silent, he look around to see her staring at a giant drawing. "(y/n)?"

He walked closer to see her almost in tears. Looking from her to the drawing, he saw that it was of a person who was crying in front of a rectangle to be what seemed like stars. "It was one of those nights where I couldn't sleep so I sneak out to see the stars. And it was as if everything came crashing down to me, my parents, robot, you. I was so scared, he must've felt it too."

Will's heart broke when he heard her whispering to him about her experience. Will had his family to help cope but (y/n) only had Samantha, and she didn't experience anything close to what the whole family had to go through. The boy took her hands in his and caressed her hand with his thumb. 

Seeing that Will was trying to comfort her, she smiled at him. "Come one, let's look at the other drawings." 

Will wanted to say more but didn't want to make her uncomfortable so they moved on. When looking at another wall, Will noticed something. "I think these are the other way around."

Looking at the eight sign with the 5 dots around it, he remembered something. 

"What would you like to call your masterpiece?"


"When you said this place was danger, what did you mean? Danger for us or danger for you."

Robot said nothing but pointed at the image with the tree and stick figures. 

"The tree, what about it?" (y/n) asked.

"I-I don't understand. What do you want us to tell you? The forest. It was on fire. You saved us." Robot said nothing, making (y/n) feel a little suspicious of him. 

"Maybe it's his way of wanting to talk to you. Share stories." 

"Is that what you want? To talk about when we first connected?" That didn't seem to be the answer robot was looking for as he pointed to the drawing again, but this time with more aggression.

"Are you okay?" Will asked him, or it as the blue began to flicker. (y/n) noticed this and using her hand that was connected with Will's she began pulling him closer, trying to silently signal to him that something was wrong.

But Will didn't understand and only grew confused. "Are you hurt, like when we first met in the-" Robot pointed again, which allowed Will to take a look at his arm. It had a scar, one that their robot definitely did not have, but one that definitely did have.

Slowly turning to face his mother, he gave (y/n) a side glance. To which she understood. "Hey mom, I think it's too far for robot to walk. Let's leave him here. Then we can come back and pick him up in a Jupiter."

"No. It makes more sense if we all stick together." Maureen denied, not understanding why Will would suggest such thing.

"Maureen, that's not a good idea." (y/n) agreed with Will, her tone becoming more serious as she looked at Ben with a plea in her eyes.

"In fact, it's a bad idea mom. A bad one." Maureen and Ben's face dropped in realization but it was too late. The imposter's once blue face turned into a red one and began transforming from the human stature to the normal alien one. 

"Will, (y/n) run!" Maureen shouted. They did as they were told but didn't make it far as SAR slammed them back by their clothes. "No!" She ran to the two kids and put a protective arm around them as SAR started coming closer.

"Wait, mom. Mom. It's okay." Will stood up. "He doesn't want to kill us, he brought us here for a reason." 

"What do you want!" Maureen yelled at the robot, he powered up his hand and want to blast them before he stopped when Will stood in front of both Maureen and (y/n). 

"I remember you. Before, you wanted the engine. Right? This time, you want something else. That's why you brought the robot here. Isn't it? It was a trap, for me and (y/n). Why? What do you want with us."

Multiple thoughts rushed through (y/n)'s mind but one particular drawing came to her mind. "The tree." 

SAR seemed to have heard her as it pointed at (y/n). Will saw this and assumed that SAR wanted her, something he would rather die than let happen. "No, you can't have her. But you can take me as long as you let both my mom and (y/n) go." 

SAR was angry at his words and charged his blast again, stepping closer to the three. They screamed in terror when a blast came from behind SAR as he was left smushed on the floor. 

The reason for this was because Ben saved them. 


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