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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


855 words 

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Softly shifting backwards and turning around, Will was met with a giant hug from (y/n) with tears rolling down their cheeks. Sniffles and cries were heard as the two accepted their fate and waited for the fires to devour them like they did with everything else.

But seeing small movements in the corner of their eyes, they were shocked as to what they saw. It was the robot but with the bottom half of its body. Jumping up onto the first branch, the bot began to spread it's arm in a hugging motion and lifted the scared kids and jumped away. Protecting them from the fire with his body.

Once they reached to safety, it let them go as they stumbled backwards, in awe and in excitement. 

"Thanks." They softly spoke. Coming closer to the pair, it raised one if its hands and hovered it up and down. It was scanning their figures and copying it. Four arms became two and its once red-orange glow faded into a soft blue-purple color.  

Courage filled the girl as she raised her hand up to him. "My name's (y/n) (l/n) and this is my friend Will Robinson." The robot looked at the stretched hand and back to the tiny girl. Taking one of his arms and guiding it hers, the girl began to shake their hands up and down in a handshake motion. 

The bot seemed to be amused as the stars on his faces were making weird shapes. He looked at the girl, "(y/n) (l/n)." Then looking at the boy. "Will (l/n)." 

Both began to glow bright red and an awkward silence filled the atmosphere but the girl played it off as she nudged the boy and teased him. "At least we know who gets the last name if we ever get married." 

Burning an even brighter red, Will's face was almost a replica of a tomato with hair but decided to ignore the girl's words to which she pouted to. "It's Will Robinson, not uh (l/n."

"Will Robinson." 

Smiling, Will began to take his new friends hands and started to drag them towards the direction of his Jupiter. 


"DAD!" Judy cried out. She was out of oxygen and in a few minutes, her heart would stop. 

"We're here. We're right here." Using the strength they had left, Maureen and John did their best to keep digging the ice to reach their daughter. But their efforts were useless, there was no saving her. 

The mixture of sobs, cries and huffs filled the air as each family member tried to hold Judy's hand, making sure that she knew she wasn't alone. The moment was ended when a shadow-like figure emerged from the hill in front of them.

It was the robot. Trying to protect what's left of his family, Jon took out a knife and was prepared to attack. Thankfully, two kids were seen running does the hill as well, one holding his hands out and the other shyly hiding behind the robot. 

"It's ok, there with me!" Will said, trying to show his family that the robot, his friend, was harmless. 

Jaws dropped and eyes widened. None of them had ever seen something like this before in their life time and for some, it was truly an amazing sight. 

Seemingly sensing Judy's panicked breathing, the robot turned towards his friends. "Danger, Will Robinson.(y/n) (l/n)."

"Can you help her? Please?" The boy begged him, he was Will's last chance of saving his beloved sister from certain doom. Picking up on the situation, the both kneeled down and laid his hands in front of him. Melting the ice that was surrounding the trapped girl.

With who knows how many seconds left, the married couple hurriedly took off her helmet and finally giving her the oxygen she so desperately needed. Happy cries filled the air and hugs were given to the girl. 

This is awkward...

The young (h/c) haired girl felt like she was intruding in a family moment and wanted to give the family their privacy but it seemed that the harsh weather was not in her favor. Instead, she awkwardly stood beside the only non human around. 

Looking up she gave him a small smile at him "You did good." The lights on his face brightened and even though she could tell exactly what he was trying to say, she knew that he was glad he could be of help.

Though he made two friends that day, he could only think about his family so he asks the machine. "Can you do something so we don't freeze?"

Complying, the robot started to emit heat from his body, warming the little humans in front and beside him so they don't freeze. Noticing the girl beside him stood silently, he looked at her to see her face turned away from the family. Thinking that it was because she was standing too close to the heat, he began to focus on emitting less energy on his sides. 

Little did he know that she was upset with the happy family in front of her while her own could be hurt or worse. Dead. 


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