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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.2k words

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"This is Will Robinson, and (y/n) (l/n) of the 24th colonist group." Will and (y/n) were sitting at the ramp in the garage with (y/n) laying her head on Will's shoulder, watching the tape they recorded the day they found robot. "We're making a record of this because it seems, we're the first humans to discover evidence of an alien intelligence." 

Will clicked a button, letting the camera move on to the next video. "This appears to be the first known work of art of an artificial intelligence of alien origin. What would you like to call your masterpiece?" 


Will looked up sadly with (y/n) comforting him by giving him a side hug. "It's okay Will, I'm sure everything will be fine." 

The boy nodded, not feeling as if he could say anything. 

"Hey, we got work to do. Pick it up." Penny yelled to the two as they stood up and helped her with some cargo. The ground beneath them rumbled, causing them to drop their boxes.

"The tremors are getting worse." Will said, looking in the far distance.

Penny sighed. "Yeah." The sound of something blasting caught their attention as the three headed out to watch the Jupiter's fly through the air and into space. 

"That's all of them." 

"Almost all of them." Penny corrected. 

"Hiroki's gonna be pretty upset when he figures out we snuck off his ship." 

"At least you guys aren't going to feel the wrath of Victor when he realizes I snuck out from the back." (y/n) shivered, already feeling the hours of lectures she'll get when she comes across Victor again.

"Well Robinsons stick together, that includes you (y/n)." The young girl rolled her eyes but smiled at the older one.

"Once mom and Judy get back, we'll be all set to go?" Will asked, the three making their way back inside the Jupiter.

"Yeah they haven't called us in a while. They should be back by now." Penny looked around, trying to see for a sign of a Chariot but the sound of beeping drew her attention away. The three made their way around the receiver with Will pressing a couple of buttons. "Is that dad back in range?" 

"Yeah." Will spelled out morse code. 





"Kinda looks like FU with the first two letters." (y/n) joked when Penny tilted her head up.

"Did you hear that?" The turned around to see that the Chariot had come back. Running towards it, Judy and Maureen stepped out looking terrified.

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