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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.1k words

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It was bad, really bad. The thing that exploded was a Jupiter's fuel tank and the wreckage was so bad that some parts of the Jupiter were unrecognizable. 

Picking up one of the parts that weren't completely destroyed, John read aloud it's number. "This was the Jupiter 17."

Will froze, all the blood seemed to seep out of his body as his face was as pale as a vampire. "W-What did you just say?" 

Maureen looked at her son in concern, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Did you know anyone on it?" 

Running over to the plate, Will hoped that it wasn't the number his father said aloud but there it was, in big letters—17. "This is-was (y/n)'s Jupiter." 

Maureen looked at her husband before looking back at her son. "You said that (y/n) ejected right? So her parents must have done the same."

"Y-Yea, they must've ejected. They had to." Though he said those words, his heart didn't believe them. Not daring to look at the wrecked Jupiter, Will let his mother and father explore to see if there were any survivors.


Judy and (y/n) were bonding, sort of. 

They were making small talk every once in a while but other then that, nothing much was said. 

"GUYS! Mom, dad and Will and in trouble!" Penny announced, bursting into the room. Immediately, all action was taken, with Penny trying to communicate to her family through the radio, Judy with calculating possibilities and (y/n) with scanning the area. 

"Mom, dad, come in, do you read me? Over." 

"They're out of range." Judy muttered. 

"There in the valley, they're not gonna see that storm until it's directly over them."

"We have to do something!"

"Think it through. What pace would we need to maintain to hike down to them and get back here in time."

"Why walk when we have a chariot." 

"It's in the garage which is buried under a ton of ice." 

"We have to get it out!"

"How! I was specifically told to go easy on the engines so the ice wouldn't become unstable and crush our ship!"

"Mom, dad and Will-"

"Can take care of themselves! Now stop panicking."

"Judy, we don't know what kind of storm this is because this isn't Earth, this is an entirely different planet in an entirely different solar system which means that they could be in trouble!" (y/n) was right and Judy knew it, she bit the inside of her lip and began to think of all the things the probabilities. 

Silence took over the three and no one dared to say a word. But it ended when Penny started pushing some buttons, flipping switches and pushed on the engine controls. Hard.

The ice was being blasted out of the way for a solid few seconds before Judy pushed back against the controls, turning off the rockets. 

Penny and (y/n) glanced at each other and ran towards the garage with Judy yelling at them. "Have you lost your mind!"

"Somebody had to do something!" Penny yelled back.

Reaching the garage, Judy decided to join them since the rockets were lucky enough to clear a perfect path for the chariot. Too bad they couldn't use it since it wasn't fully assembled. 

Cracking her knuckles, (y/n) began to work on the different machines that help assemble the Chariot. "Don't worry guys, I'll get the chariot up and running in no time."

Judy looked at her questionably, "You know how to assemble a chariot?"

(y/n) shrugged. "My parents made me memorize the handbook in case of any emergencies." The sisters looked at each other with strange looks but decided not to question it.

It took a while but with the help of Penny, the pair were able to put the Chariot together. Finishing up the final touches, Penny radioed Judy as she left moments prior. 

"Judy? The Chariot's ready let's go." No response.

Minutes flew by as the girls waited and Penny began to worry. "I'm gonna check on her." She mumbled and left.

Walking up she looked through the window to see her sister siting up in a fetus position—hands wrapped around her knees with her head down.

She was clearly suffering from untreated PTSD and it stung. It made sense, who wouldn't be traumatized when they barely survived a near death situation?  

Grabbing her own and (y/n)'s coat, Penny began to make her way down to drive the Chariot on her own.

Hearing the heavy sound of footsteps, (y/n) looked up to see Penny throwing her a winter coat that similarly looked like hers.

"Judy's not coming so we're gonna have to do this ourselves."

"We? There is no we in this Penny, only you." 

"I have the oreo's hostage."

(y/n) jumped into the passenger seat and immediately buckled her seatbelt. Penny looked at her in bewilderment. 

Man does she love food or what?

Following the girl's action, Penny hopped into the drivers seat, turned the machine on and began driving like there's no tomorrow. 

As the started driving further and further away from the Jupiter, Penny looked around the Jupiter as (y/n) was looking at 'road' in front of them to make sure that Penny wouldn't accidentally kill them.

"Do you even know how to drive the Jupiter?"

Penny shrugged. "Can't be that bad."

There conversation was paused when they reached the edge of a steep mountain. "What the fuck."

"No," Attempting communication with the other Robinsons one last time. "Mom, dad, are you there? This is your daughter and her friend. Yea the ones who really don't want to drive the Chariot  off of a cliff right now. So if you there please come in." 

Taking the radio into her hands, (y/n) gave it a try. "Pretty please?" 

They were unsuccessful. Reaching into the oreo packet the girls started stress eating. 

Was it delicious? Yes.

Was it helpful? Debatable.

But from the way that Penny was setting up the Chariot for winter mode, you could say that it was successful in someway. 


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