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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


971 words

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As the two girls made their way down the mountain, they started conversing with one another about one of the many things that girls like to talk about. Boys. And maybe some girls too. 

"So uh, you and Will?"

Turning her head towards Penny in a tilted matter, (y/n) stated, "What?"

"Yea, you guys are really close and usually that leads to one thing or an-"

"Can we please not talk about this, we're only eleven. Plus I don't see him that way." 

"Yet." Penny said under her breath, not knowing that the girl beside her could still hear it. 

She was about to respond when a shiver went down her spine and her head began to ache. But as sudden as it came, it was gone in an instant. Thinking that it was due to the cold, she shook it off. But little did she know that it was something far worse.


Following along their son and his robot friend, the family started making their way back towards the Jupiter. During their walk back, something came down from they.

Will walked over to where the object fell and held it up to the light, it was a small and shiny stone. "Cool, I'll give it to (y/n)." 

He had many of those said rocks to choose from as they started plummeting from the sky at a faster and higher rate. Looking up, they started to see the dark clouds surrounding the sky.

In hopes to help Will, Robot stepped forward and protectively put an arm above him incase any rocks were to fall on him. He was right in doing so as the sound of stone and metal hitting against one another were made more frequently. 

"We need to get cover!"

"Will come here! Quick, quick!"

The family was able to find some sort of shelter, though it wasn't much. Just a giant rock aiming upwards into the sky. They huddled up together and put on their hoods to prevent further damage, but considering the fact that the stones were able to penetrate wood, they wouldn't have much of an effect. 

"Maureen! Do you hear us?!" It was coming from Maureen's radio and it sounded a lot like (y/n).


Snatching the radio out of (y/n)'s hands, Penny responded for the both of them. "Mom! We're in the Chariot and we're coming to get you!"

"W-What? How did you-"

"We will discuss this when you are also in the Chariot."

(y/n) grabbed the radio. "Eyes on the road Penny! Maureen, we can't track you because of the storm, where are you guys?"

"We, we're uh, look for the light." Maureen stated as the robot climbed the rock the were under and began to shine like how a lighthouse would do in a stormy night.

The girls looked at each other in confusion. "What kind of clue is that?!" (y/n) asked.

"The light, the light Oh that light."

"We see it! We're coming!"

Driving towards to source, the girls were able to find the remain Robinsons and began to open the Chariot doors. (y/n) and Penny hopped in the backset as Maureen and John took their place with Will in the back.

"There isn't enough room for Bob!" (y/n) yelled loudly. The wind was picking up and it was getting harder to hear and see."

"Tell him to hold on tight." John yelled back.

"Hold on to the back!" Will ordered. Following Will's orders, the robot grabbed the edges of the Chariot and held on tight.

They began to drive towards the edge of the storm and was lucky enough to make it up.

Maureen laughed and smiled at what they just experienced and picked up the pack of oreos. "Excellent. You finished the list."

Penny looked back at her mom and smiled. "I had a little help." She reached behind her to where (y/n) was sitting and high fived her. 

As the odd married couple started to talk with one another, (y/n) turned towards Will with bright eyes. "Did you guys find anything?" 

The image of her wrecked Jupiter and the robot killing people on the Resolute flashed before Will's eyes. He didn't dare meet her eyes, how was he suppose to tell his best friend that her Jupiter was destroyed and that they found no survivors as well as the new found friend  they made was the reason they needed to evacuate the Resolute. 

"We uh went back to Robot's ship and just explored a bit." Technically, he didn't lie. Just left bits and pieces out. The girl was a bit disappointed in the answer but nodded in understanding. 

The ride became silent until something caught the eye of the brunette haired boy. "Dad look!" He called out and pointed. Following his line of site, you could see the ride streak emerging from the ground. It was a flare. "There's someone out there."

There was a moment where John didn't want to risk his family, but as a past soldier who served the people: he couldn't leave abandon them now. 

"We can make it."

"Wha-" Maureen tried to argue but was quickly shut down by John.

"Don't do the math." He turned the Jupiter 90 degrees and began making way to the origin of the flare. 

It was most definitely a close call. Everyone was shouting and the hooded figure seemed to be struggling from the way they were walking so clumsily. 

Opening the Jupiter doors, Penny climbed in the back and sat beside (y/n) as the person made their way closer to the Jupiter. Throwing their bag inside, they climbed in as their hood was taken off.

It was a middle aged white woman, she had soot all over her face and a mullet. 

"Is there anyone else with you?" 

"No! It's just me. Go!" 

They began to drive off, unknowingly leaving a man, an unconscious woman, and a chicken, stuck inside a little cave.

"Son of a bitch!" 


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