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 { breathe }

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 { breathe }


1.0k words 

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Maureen was suspicious. The sun had risen much faster then it had days ago and from her calculations, it would continue doing so. She began jotting down notes, calculations, anything that would help make sense to the situation. Even the simulation she programmed had showed how dangerous it would become. A few minutes of aimless writing, she decided to go for a much needed break. 

Opening the door, she found her son sleeping soundly with his back towards her. Ignoring the messed up blankets on a matt on the floor, she made over to her son and began to affectionately pet his hand—reminiscing of his troubled birth and all the hardships he had to go through. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when a squeak came from the door. Turning around, Maureen was greeted by (y/n) who was hiding the bottom half of her face with a notebook. 

"Oh, heyyyy Maureen." The girl awkwardly greeted, silently panicking to the fact that she was caught entering her son's room without any further context. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"I was checking in with Will, what are you doing here?" 

The girl froze, she wasn't sure how to explain to her best friends mother that she was sleeping in the same room with her son. "I uh, I sleep here." The girl whispered and nodded her head towards the messed up blankets on the matt that was on the floor. "But it's not in the way that you think, see I was having trouble sleep cause of the nightmares with my parents-"


"and then I usually just stayed up in my room reading and then one night Will must've found out or something and then he offered to shared so-"


"I wouldn't get lonely and then I'm not sure why but it felt better to sleep here and I have been but if you want I can leave-"

"(y/n)." The girl finally realized that Maureen was trying to talk to her so she stopped talking and looked at the slightly smiling mother in nervousness. "I'm fine with you sleeping here, plus it's cute how close you and Will are."

The girl sighed out in relief and lowered her notebook so that her full face could be seen. Maureen lightly laughed at this but what caught her attention was the notebook. "What are you writing in there?"

The young girl glanced at the notebook and back to Maureen. "Oh um, just some calculations and theories about the planet."

Maureen's eyes glimmered in curiosity, (y/n) was a smart girl and maybe this was the lead she needed. "May I take a look?" The girl nodded and handed her notebook to the women. As Maureen flipped through it, she found many calculations and theories but one thing caught her attention—they were all about the sun's gravitational pull on the planet. "You noticed it. The sun rising faster then it should be."

(y/n) looked surprised that Maureen mentioned it but nodded. "Yeah, I caught it a few days ago but I haven't been able to research about it until today. Something's wrong, I just haven't been able to figure it out yet."

Maureen smiled. "Hey, do you mind if I borrow this for a while?"

"Go for it, maybe you'll find it more useful then I ever have." After kissing her son's head, she gave (y/n) a hug and muttered a thank you before exiting the room and beginning her journey to explore outer space. 

(y/n), still being in Will's room, stared out the door where Maureen had just left from. "Huh, that went better then expected." She muttered to herself. Turning around, she faced the sleeping boy and began to shake the sleepiness out of him.

As he woke up, he rubbed his eyes and whined to the girl. "Why'd you wake me up?"

"Because we need to help your sisters load up some boxes." Groaning, the boy turned back around and attempted to go back to sleep. "So much for being happy in the morning." 

After dragging Will out of bed and waiting outside for him to change, the two finally made their way to greet the two sisters in the garage. 

"This is some science project." Penny sighed, looking at all the boxes that they had to carry.

"It's actually a really interesting concept."

"Yeah, and apparently one that requires lots of heavy lifting." Penny eyed the person that passed by. "Something that a particular R-O-B-O-T could come in handy for."

"She's got point."

"You guys said I could wait for the right time."

"I did but isn't this the perfect opportunity to show everyone how useful he could be."

Will looked at (y/n) for help but the girl just shrugged.

"So you should tell dad as soon as possible. He's gonna be fine okay, once he has a chance to process it."

"And get through the five stages of anger, from furious to made to PO'ed-" Penny trailed off before Will snapped at his two sisters.

"Okay fine I'll do it."


"When he's in a good mood."

(y/n) put a hand on Will's shoulder. "I'm sure Will will tell him when he's ready to."

"You can't wait that long." 

"Can't wait long for what." A voice said from behind Will and (y/n). Turning around, they were greeted with John walking over to the group. He grabbed some things before turning around with a questionable look as no one was responding to him.

"To tell you that Will refuses to unload his insulation. He says it's too itchy." Penny said, giving Will more time to think it through.

"Come on that's not like you, just wear a pair of work gloves."

Will nodded to his father and walked off, not before giving his sisters a look. Seeing his son walk off so hastily, John turned towards the girls and asked. "He's avoiding me isn't he."

"Maybe you should as Will if you have questions about Will." Judy told her father before leaving the garage.

"Dad, you can talk to him. Okay? Just be yourself. Actually no, maybe be like 20% nicer." Penny hinted to her father before following after her sister. John was bewildered with what his kids were saying to him and turned towards (y/n). 

"Um, boy problems?" The girl then ran off in hopes of finding the boy that she desperately needed to talk to. 


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