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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.1k words

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With loosening their posture, the three let themselves breathe. Although Maureen was glaring at Ben. "Kids, why don't you guys take a walk. I need to speak with Adler."

(y/n) nodded and dragged along a stunned Will as they walked back out to the surface.

They walked in silence, side by side and refused to turn to look at one another. But (y/n) broke the silence. "Why'd you do it."

"Why'd I do what?"

"Try to sacrifice yourself. Don't ever do that again." 

Will stopped in his tracks, making (y/n) turn to face him. "I will."


"SAR was trying to take you and I'd rather die than lose you again."

(y/n) heart was filled with anger yet it fluttered as well. Too bad she was too angry to care about that. "God, you're so stupid Will, you should've just let SAR taken me! I-"

"What if you died!" (y/n) stopped and looked into Will's eyes, seeing the tears that were almost out. 


"You don't get it (y/n), when I thought you died, it was the hardest time of my life. But what if you actually die, what if I could never see you again. I care about you and-" 

Will stopped talking when (y/n) wrapped her arms around Will's neck. He responded immediately and warped his arms around her waist, burying his face into her shoulder. 

"I care about you too Will." The girl muttered. "How about this, let's make another promise."

Will pushed his face away from her neck and looked at her with doe-like eyes. "Another promise?"

"Yea, let's promise to never keep anything from each other and to find a way to do things together. Promise?" The girl held out her pinky. 

The boy nodded and her pinky with his. "Promise." They smiled at each other and held each other's hands—an action that has been happening a lot more frequently. 

The two made their way out to see three hoodoos positioned in a very familiar manner. 

Will gasped in realization. "This is it. He was here. He was right here." In excitement, he turned back towards the tunnel they came from to tell Maureen. "Mom-"

But with a slip of a step, he let go of (y/n)'s hand and fell down the side. "Will!"

He screamed while falling, preparing to have a rough landing when something, or more so someone caught him. 

"Will Robinson." The blue faced robot said. Star swirling around in most likely happiness to seeing the boy.


The famous trio were situated back into the cave, drawing stick figures onto the walls. 

"Hey, might be a better artist than me now." Wil joked.

"From what I remember, he was always a better artist than you Will." (y/n) laughed as the boy pouted.

"Don't let it go to your head. It's not saying much." The robot turned to the three stick figure drawings. "That's suppose to be us. From now on, how about we stick together? No matter what." 

The face of robot glowed in response. "I think robot likes that idea." Robot faced the girl and nodded, making her smile.

Will smiled at their interaction and grabbed more paint, drawing circles on the wall. "This is where we are now, and this is the Resolute. You've been there before and neither time was that great-"

"Great is an understatement."

"Roll with me here," The boy ran to another wall to draw another circle, "This is Alpha Centauri, we've told you all about it. It's our new home and the only way of getting there is you. I think you'll like it there, I mean, I think you will."

"I think he will, you're a very friendly guy robot. And I'm sure a lot of people will love you once they got to know you." 

"Definitely, all the kids are gonna be so jealous that we have our own robot." 

"Come on guys, we have to get back on the Jupiters." Maureen called out to them. 

Will started making his was before he realized that (y/n) wasn't following him. "(y/n)?"

"You go first, there's something I need to do." The boy was hesitant but nodded. Robot hated these moments because he could never choose between the two, but by the way he could feel the wavering sadness coming from the girl, he chose to stay with her.

Robot walked towards her as she stood in front of the drawing that robot had drawn about her. She lightly touched the crying stick figured with her fingertips and sighed.

(y/n) saw that robot stood beside her in an emotion that she could only guess to be sadness and softly smiled. "I'm glad you're back robot. I missed you a lot."

The robot face shone even brighter than before. 

"Let's go before the decide to leave us." (y/n) joked, walking side by side with robot. 

They went outside and started walking towards to horses and Will. But since the horses could sense the robot, they began to move around and make noise. Robot saw this as a threat and his face turned red. 

(y/n) and Will immediately stepped in. "Woah, woah. Gypsy's a friend." Will went over and started petting Gypsy.

"They're horses, domesticated animals that we use for transportation." (y/n) walked closer and motioned for robot to do so as well. "Come on."

"I think you two got off on the wrong foot. This is what we do to calm them down when their nervous or upset." He petted Gypsy's mane, allowing he to calm down. Will went to put back on her bit when robot steeped back. "It's okay, this is called a bit. We put on in so he doesn't run away." 

Robot watched as Will put the bit on. "Friend, Will Robinson."

"Yeah, he's a friend. It's just to make sure we keep him under control. It doesn't hurt, I promise you."

"Wait, did you just say a new word?" (y/n) brought up her fist as robot looked at her in confusion. "Here, make your hand into a fist and lightly bump it with mine. It's like a high-five but with fists." Robot did as she said and lightly bumped his fist with hers, making the girl giggle. "It's a work in progress." 

Robot turned looked from (y/n) to Will to Gypsy, and walked over the SAR's body which was covered in a blanket and just stared.

Maureen and Ben, who finished with packing, stopped and looked at the robot.

"I can't tell what its reaction is." Ben told the woman.

"I imagine it's positive. The thing was hunting my son and (y/n). Wanted him so badly it threw the robot in a pit for a year in the distant chance that it would lure one of them down here."

"But why do you suppose that thing was so interested in your son and (y/n)."

"I don't know. Maybe because what they have is special. Special things are often considered a threat." With a sigh, Maureen patted Ben's chest. "We should get going." 


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