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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.2k words

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Will and (y/n) had done what John asked them to. They asked Robot to move the engine to the garage of the Jupiter transport. And doing what the engine does best, it began to cling itself to the walls. 

Smith snuck into the Jupiter with a bag in her hand. Entering the cockpit, she threw the bag onto the floor with robot walking in a moment later. 

Smith smiled at the robot. "It's just us. The other works have cleared out. We have just a few minutes before they realize the carbon dioxide levels are fine." Smith sighed. "As usual they've chosen a select few to travel to Alpha Centauri and I don't make the cut."

The woman shifted her gaze to the Jupiter controls. "Spent a year studying the flight manual. once I detach us from the Resolute, they won't have enough time to catch us. We'll be free. What do you say?"


"That's funny word now. When people say it, I just don't hear it."  

"No. Doctor Smith." 

Smith sighed before hovering her hand over the launch controls. "I don't want to do this, they've left me no choice." She put her hand closer. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't launch right now."

Robot's face swirled into five sperate dots before swirling them into one big dot. 

Smith frowned, bending down and groaning when she picked her bag back up and making it out the Jupiter. She smiled fakely at the officers in the front. "CO2 levels were fine." 

And soon enough, the breaking up of families began to occur.

"Attention families of the Resolute. Boarding of all children is beginning on the Jupiter transport. We need all children to report to Jupiter transport for boarding. 

Parent and children were crying, not wanting to be away and possibly never seeing one another again. As she walked past the saddened families, she accidently stepped on something. Looking down and picking it up, she held the blue ball and looked towards the front of the line to see if anyone noticed its absence. 

When no one looked back, she looked towards the ball in realization before holding it close to her heart and walking away. 


Don's eyes shifted over the long line of kids before falling onto the Robinsons family. He made his way there and greeted then.  

"Uh, listen, I got a lot of work to do, But I didn't want to be rude. I usually skip the goodbyes, but since I don't owe any of you money, there's no harm right. I'll see you guys around." 

Will lightly punched the mans shoulder. "See you around Don." The man smiled before walking further down the line when someone said his name.

"Don." Penny called to him. The man turned back to see the redhead walking towards him and bringing him into a hug with him immediately hugging back. 

Penny let go with tears in her eyes as Don gave her one least smile before walking to the back of the line. After passing multiple other families, he finally spotted a girl with (h/c) hair sitting on the floor and staring into the floor. 

"Hey kid." The man greeted her. "Why aren't you with the others?"

"Hey Don." The girl replied back, not meeting his eyes. "Thought they would've wanted some family time, beside I need so me time right now."

Don looked at the girl sadly before deciding to sit next to her along the wall. "Okay, what's wrong."

She scoffed. "What do you mean what's wrong? Everything's perfectly fine. It's not like I'm abandoning all these people or anything." 

"Look at me kid." The girl clenched her fist and looked up at the man. She had tears in her eyes that were beginning to fall any second. Seeing this state, Don engulfed the girl in a hug as she started to cry. "It's okay, let it all out."

"It's not fair." She cried out. "You guys are my family, I-I can't just leave you to die. I've already lost m-my parents. I can't lose you too." Don's heart clenched at her comment as he hugged her tighter. 

"You're not gonna lose me kid."

The girl scoffed as she left the hug to look at him with teary eyes. "That's bullshit and you know it." Don chuckled. "There's no way you can survive with the robots on board."

"Well, if you knew the Robinsons well enough, which you do, you know that they always have something up their sleeves." The girl wasn't so convinced so he continued. "I'll tell you what, if I'm wrong, I'll give you all of my hidden goods I snuck to Alpha Centauri."

(y/n) giggled before sniffling. "You're that confident." 

"Of course. When is the great Don West ever wrong." The man smugly stated. (y/n) laughed harder, wiping her tears with her jacket sleeve. 

Seeing this state of her made Don's gaze soften as he stood up. "Now come one kid, we need to get you on that Jupiter and I need to go back to work." (y/n) nodded as she grabbed her bag and walked towards the transport. But she didn't even take a few steps before she turned around and hugged Don once more.

"You better be right, Don." She mumbled into his chest. He smiled and patted her head.

"Oh I know I'm right." They let go of one another as (y/n) finally started to head to the Jupiter. "Hey (y/n)." She turned around. "You're family to me too." They both looked at each other brightly and exchanged one last smile before finally going their own ways.

Each hoping that the other would be safe, no matter where they were. 

(y/n) walked closer and closer to the front of the line when her names was called out. "(y/n)!" She turned to see the Robinson family in a hug. 

She softly smiled at the sight. "Oh hey guys. What's up-" She was pulled into a quick hug by Maureen before she could finished. 

"You're parents would be so proud of you." The woman told her, making her smile. 

"Thanks Maureen." The young girl smiled, before being pulled into another hug by John.

"You mind making sure that Will doesn't do anything stupid?" John joked to the girl to which she laughed. 

"Can't promise anything. Your son can be quite convincing at times." John chuckled, giving her a pat on the shoulder as Maureen took the three kids away to explain.

"Okay kids, Judy's going to be coming with you guys. She'll be captain so you have to listen to what she says." Maureen told the kids. They all nodded as they knew Judy was the best choice as she was not only knowledgably in her work but also responsible. Or at least more responsible than the three. 

"Final boarding for Jupiter transport."

Maureen said her final goodbyes to Judy as the four kids held hands and walked towards the transport. Judy stopped in her tracks and looked back to her parents. "Oh, um. Am I supposed to make a speech or something?" 

Maureen laughed as John smiled. "You'll figure it out." 

They all shared a final look before being dragged by Judy and finally entering the transport. 

But little did they know that the robots would soon be making their escape.


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