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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.2k words

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The other groups were able to successfully navigate through the swamp, meeting up at the trashed Jupiter. 

As they were in the hub to figure out what everyone could do to fix the spaceship, John noticed the solemn look on Will's face.

"Hey, Will. Let's get up top. See if we can get eyes on Don or (y/n)."  Will didn't respond, as he only glanced away from his father's figure back to the floor.

Also seeing her son's sadness, Maureen called out to him. "Hey. We're gonna make it. Together." Will stood up and gave his mother a fake smile, one that he's been doing quite frequently for the past few days. 

"Yeah. Together." Maureen gave him a smile before watching him leave after his dad.

She sighed before going to the boiling room, need to help out with the oxygen once in space.

"We need to swap out the rest of the coils." The woman told Smith. "Make sure there's no residue on the burners. Pliers." Smith handed her the tool. "Judy told me what you did. How you saved her live. kept your nose clean. Became a teacher. I had no idea you spoke French."

"Un petite peu." Smith replied in French. 

"My kids, well, all our kids, survived a year on their own, and you were a part of that, so I guess I should be grateful. 

"They took care of me too. We took care of each other." 

"Uh, I feel like I missed so much during that year that we were apart, and I-I mean, I know that they wouldn't tell us everything anyway, but I thought maybe, um."

"Maybe what?"

"Well, maybe you'd know. If there were any developments or firsts that a mother should know about."

Smith sighed dramatically. "Penny's first love triangle. Don't worry. It was tame. Vijay and this tall kid Liam. Nice guy. King of a show-off. A bit obvious if you ask me." 

"Judy must have had some opinions about that." Maureen joked. 

"From what I could tell, Judy was focused on trying to be a good captain. And discovering that only by stepping out of the shadow of her parents was there room enough for her to fulfill her own true potential." 

Maureen nodded, seemingly a bit disappointed with her answer. Smith picked up on that. "Ah, but you're more curios about how she was with Grant Kelly."

"Did they, uh, get along?"

"What were you hoping for, Maureen? That they did or didn't?"

"I-That has nothing to do with it." The mother denied. 

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