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{ breathe }

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{ breathe }


1.0k words

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"You ready?" Will and (y/n) had ran into their respective rooms and grabbed any essentials that they needed for the trip. 

"Yeah, but Will, what exactly is your plan here? I mean, maybe telling your parents wouldn't be that bad of an idea." 

"Have you met my dad?"

(y/n) thought about it. "Fair enough." 

As they walked towards to perimeter fence—which was now off—they waited for robot to say something. "You gonna say it?"

The robot looked at the boy and the girl but said nothing. "Okay then, no danger."

"Yet." The girl said, rubbing her face with her hands. As they traveled into the forest, a voice yelled out behind them. 

"Will! (y/n)!"

Will grabbed (y/n)'s hand and began to drag her so they would walk faster. "Come on, it's okay."

"Hey, you guys can't be out here! Get back inside!" Judy rushed in front of the two and id her best in blocking the path.

"So we can wait around until you tell dad. No thanks."

"Wait. We've all been wondering what happened with the Resolute. Why we crashed here. And now the reason is standing right next to you two, why doesn't that scare you?"

"Because he's changed." 

"That's not good enough."

"How come you don't believe me."

"Believing has nothing to do with it Will, it is about me protecting you. The both of you." (y/n)'s heart warmed at her words, even though she didn't know the Robinson family as much as she liked, she was glad to have found them. 

"He's protecting us."

"And what if it changes again."

Ignoring her, Will tried to continue walking but Judy grabbed his shoulder, halting him from his actions. "Will stop."

"Don't you always say that people make mistakes sometimes, and that they deserve a second chance?"

"Maybe people do, but-"

"He's more like us then you think. Look, there's a cave a few miles in this direction. Let us hide him away there, that way everyone's safe from everyone. Isn't that what you want anyways."

Judy sighed and thought about it for a second. "Look Judy, I'm not crazy. I know we're gonna have to tell dad the truth. Just, let me be the one to do it."

Judy looked from her brother to the young girl beside the robot. "What do you think about this (y/n)." 

"I trust Will's judgment, besides, what's the worst that can happen?" 

Looking between the three of them, Judy fought a mental battle between letting them hide the robot or ratting out to their father. "Guys!"

Turning back, Penny was seen running towards the group, a giant smile on her face. "You guys realize we're on the wrong side of the fence? So whatever's going on here I think it's great." 

Having enough of his sisters, Will strode past them to continue his way to the cave with (y/n) and robot right on his tail. 

Nudging the boy, (y/n) was able to see the look on Will's face and could tell that it wasn't a positive one. "You okay?"

Glancing at the girl beside him, he simply nodded. "Just wish Judy would trust me."

"Will," Taking his hand and interlocking it with hers, "Judy does trust you, but she doesn't know robot like we do. Say Doctor Smith was a well-known criminal that was always hanging around your sisters, wouldn't you want to tell you parents?" 

Will thought about it and deemed (y/n) to be correct, if somehow Smith was a criminal, he would do anything to protect his sisters from her. "I guess." 

As the kids reassured one another, they failed to notice the pair of eyes that kept looking at their figures.

"Do you think something's going on between them." 

Judy snapped her neck towards her sister and gave her a ridiculous look. "What? Penny, they're eleven." 

Penny hummed and smirked at the two.

Bound to fall in love

"So do you believe him?"

"What? That it's changed."

"Yeah. I mean it's been pretty helpful so far."

"If it did something bad once it can do."

"Okay, then what are we doing?"

"We're helping our brother and friend hide that thing. And then, I'm going to tell dad exactly where it is. Will's right, say what you want about our father, but he knows how to handle a problem." Noticing that Penny faltered her steps, Judy passed her a granola bar. "Hey, come on you're flagging."

Clapping her hands to catch the bar, the loud sound caused the unbloomed flowers to blossom beneath her feet. 

Penny looked in awe at the flower before kneeling down. "Check it out." Clapping her hands again, more flowers began to bloom. "It's beautiful." 

Copying her sister's actions, Judy clapped her hands as well, causing more flowers to appear.

"This is so cool." Will and (y/n) did the same thing as the other two, creating a halo of flowers to surround the pair. 

Robot must've realized what the four were doing as he banged his hand together, leaving an echo of the sound while it created a wave of flowers to bloom around him. 

All of them became silent from the view they had of the flowers. Too bad the moment was interrupted by a loud roar in the distance; causing all the flowers to retreat back to their original state. 

Looking to where the roar came from, Will asked the robot. "What was that."

"Danger, Will Robinson, (y/n) (l/n)."

Judy took this as a sign from the five to get back on track. "Okay, we shouldn't be out here."

Penny chimed in agreement.

"Yup. Let's get moving."

Little did they know that not so far behind them was a creature blending in with it's surroundings. 

"I don't know, maybe we should turn back." penny hesitantly looking around, making sure that something wasn't following them. 

"Will, how much further to the cave?"

"Okay, less then a mile."

"Um, guys I think something's following us." (y/n) spoke aloud and as if the monster heard her talk, a roaring sound emerged from within the forest. 

"I think something's out there, run!" Judy yelled towards the group as they all make their way deeper between the trees. Having enough luck to outrun the creature, it soon runs out when they come across a deep and long ravine.

"You have got to be kidding me."


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