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 { breathe }

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 { breathe }


1.1k words

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The three had returned back to camp once they informed Evan's family about the incident. It was a quiet ride but it was expected.

Stepping out, Judy spotted her mother and immediately ran to her. "Mom."

Maureen spread her arms and wrapped her daughter in a hug. "Aw, honey, I heard what happened. Come here (y/n)." 

(y/n) carefully stepped to the woman before being pulled into the same hug, not saying a single word. 

"There's something I need to tell you about Dr. Smith." Judy admitted, letting go of the hug as Maureen soothed the younger girl's back.

"What do you mean?"

"Where is she?" Judy asked as she looked around, trying to spot the women. 

"Judy. What about her?"

"Trouble." The girl mumbled, still hugging the older woman's waist. "She's trouble."

Maureen rushed the two girls back into the Chariot and drove off to the Jupiter that 'Dr. Smith' and Will were at. Reaching the Jupiter, she opened the door.

"Stay here." She ordered.

"Be careful." Judy said, not daring to keep her eyes off her mother.

As Maureen entered the Jupiter, the two girls sighed. "And now, we wait."

Climbing up the ladder, Maureen looked around skeptically, making sure to put her guard up at all times. She walked around for a few moments, before stopping when she heard a door open.

Turning towards the sound, she saw Will and Dr. Smith walk out of the hub. 

"Oh. Hey mom." Will greeted. Maureen smiled, but it didn't seem as real as it usually did.

"We were just bringing supplies back for everyone." Dr. Smith smiled, putting her hand on top of Will's head. People work better one a full stomach, right?"

"Right." The mother agreed, trying to conceal her suspicions. "I've got the codes, they're on my laptop out in the Chariot. With Judy and (y/n)." 

"(y/n) and Judy are back?" Will smiled.

"Yeah. Go get them, okay?" 

"Yeah, thanks mom." Will rushed off to see his best friend and sister, leaving the two women in each other's company.

Climbing down the ladder in an orderly fashion, Will raced towards the Chariot, jumping at his sister when she stood there to greet him. 

"Will! Are you okay?" 

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