They were both silent. Edelyn's mother's face turned red.

Looks like she's got high blood pressure. Well, it's not like it's my problem.

I turned around, looked at the maids, still smiling. "Please take care of the two of them and make sure they do their job."

They answered 'understand' in unison.

I returned the guard's sword and approached the 4 men who were now standing side by side.

I sighed and looked at the Alfaret duo. "I'm going to my room to get changed now. Don't make trouble nor troubling the two of them."

Damarius avoided eye contact and sighed loudly, while Vasilius pouted and folded his arms.

"You're too soft on them when they look down on you so much. Just let us get rid of them now." Vasilius muttered.

I broke out in a cold sweat on the spot, trying to ignore Vasilius' words.

You guys are too extreme sometimes...

Then I looked at Arkanio with an awkward smile. "Sorry to make you witness something like this. And I thank you for helping me earlier. Since it's almost lunch time, would you like to stay and join us?"

Please refuse! I am tired! I want to take a rest!

Arkanio looked at me for a moment then smiled widely. "No problem, and I happen to be free today. Then, I'll gladly take your offer."

Damn it! He did it on purpose! You're a character I don't like from now on! Hmph!

I turned my gaze to Helios. "Helios, can you tell them to prepare the lunch? And take Sir Arkanio to the dining room, I'll follow soon."

He bowed. "Understand. Lunch will be ready in a few minutes."

Sigh... I want a day full of peace...

I got out and walked to my room.

Who would have thought they would come here today? I mean, they should have come at debutante.

Even though now Lavenia's debutante failed for other reasons, I thought they would appear when Lavenia's debutante was held again. But what is this?

I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped in my tracks and looked behind me, finding Vasilius following me.

I blinked twice. "Where are you heading to?"

He walked beside me. "Accompany you to your room. I'm afraid your illness will relapse on the way to your room."

We walk side by side. "It won't happen."

He shrugged. "Who knows?"

I glanced at Vasilius who was walking at my pace.

You can be cruel sometimes and you can be considerate and affectionate sometimes. I have to admit it was scary.

Oh, yeah... come to think of it, Vasilius is one of the capture target, and the heroine is his sister but different mother.

In his route the two of them can't be together because they are blood related. You could say there is no happy ending.

Sad indeed, but the developer announced they made it so that it is interesting and different from other otome games.

They are creative indeed, but in my opinion it makes no sense for otome games to have no romance. Isn't that considered an error in the game? And it's too sad no matter how you think about it. I feel sorry for Vasilius...

"Sigh... Lania, don't daydreaming when you walk. what did you just think that makes you this down? Is it because of that woman? I already told you to let Darius and I deal with them. You know that they can disappear in an instant." Vasilius sighed in disappointment.

Okay forget it, I don't feel sorry for him now.

"You will make father's reputation worse. After all, things like this are common with nobles." Though I must admit they're annoying.

He looked at me. "You've changed... In the past you would have kicked people like that out or punish them heavily. But now you're letting them stay and off the hook? Why? What's the reason?"

"Well, I was wondering... people can change too. And I don't want to lose my remaining humanity. Even though they're very rude, they're still human. Afterall, the two of them staying here won't do any harm to us. It's only temporary until father decides what to do with them"

Technically they're the heroine and her mother, I wouldn't mind letting them stay if that means I'll be safe and get favorability from those people, who stay in this mansion.

"Haha... I feel like I'm talking to a stranger, not Lavenia. Maybe you're really a stranger." He said jokingly.

Actually your hunch is right. I'm a stranger, not Lavenia.

We stopped in front of my room. "We're here already."

Vasilius smiled gently. "We'll wait in the dining room. I'll go first." He ruffled my hair.

Hey! Don't ruffle my hair! It will hurt when combing it!

He walked away and I went inside my room. I got ready for a few minutes then went to the dining room. .

I realized something.

My first time eating together... I don't know table manners! Damn, I hope Lavenia's body memorizes it..!

I entered the dining room and found 4 people sitting at the dining table and talking. There's a wide variety of food available.

Wait a minute... who's the fourth person?


It's Reymond! Wasn't he at the clinic? What is he doing here?

I walked closer.

Helios, who has been here for who knows when, pulled one of the chairs so I could sit down.

Now the attention of 4 people at the dining table is directed at me.

Ok, stop staring at me.

I smiled. "Let's eat." They all started eating their food and started talking again.

Reymond spoke up. "Ah.. I almost forgot the reason I'm here... Lady Alfaret, I found a way to cure your illness."

His statement made me choked.

What the- ok, who leaked this information? Wasn't earlier he still didn't know?!

Sigh... well, sooner or later he'll find out.

I looked at Reymond who was looking at me with a serious expression. "If possible I'd like us to talk privately after you've finished eating." I nodded hesitantly.


I have a bad feeling about this...

But it seems okay because he is not an antagonist character, right?

That's what I thought before. Now I've changed my mind...

Transmigrated as the terminally ill villainessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon