Reiryoku Premiumᵗᵐ

Start from the beginning

Come to think of it, wasn't this the first time that he encountered Yoshino?
As if waiting for his thoughts to progress that far, a small, blue-haired girl in a green Astral Dress came into view. Contrary to its fragile-seeming appearance, the dress was by far the strongest among the Spirits (excluding Mio), capable of withstanding a shot from a tank without a scratch.

Shido ran over to help the Spirit who had fallen over.
"Yoshino! Are you okay?"
Yoshino looked up with a scared expression on her face. Several needles of ice, formed from the rain around them, shot towards him with a terrifying speed. 
Shido ducked down to avoid skewered by the projectiles. 'Wait, don't be scared! I wont harm you!"

He spotted the puppet, Yoshinon, lying on the ground. He scooted over and picked it up, offering it to the little girl. "Here, you want this, right?" Yoshino slowly reached forward, with trembling hands and grabbed the puppet out of his hands. Immediately, the puppet moved as if it was alive, talking with a curiously high pitched voice.
"Heya, there! you seemed to have a lot of fun holding Yoshino's hand, there! Did ya like the feeling? You can tell me, we're friends, right? Right?"
"Ehh... You're the same as always, Yoshinon.'
Shido said with a wry smile, but then realized with a start that at this point in time, this was his first meeting with the Spirit-puppet pair.
"Eh?! How do you know our names? Are you a stalker?!"
"No, no, wait! You guys are.... famous! Right, you just looked like the famous Yoshinon and Yoshino, so I just kinda assumed...... was I wrong?" Shido desperately tried to fix the situation.
A few seconds passed with the two staring at each other before Yoshino opened her small mouth.

"Uh.. um... thank you..."
"You're.. welcome?"

With that, the Spirit of Ice vanished into thin air.


Still thinking about the encounter he just had, he opened the door to his house, suddenly realizing that he was sopping wet from the rain. The encounter with Yoshino had broken his  concentration enough to let the rain through. This situation did seem familiar, though. 

Oh. This was when Kotori had Tohka stay at their house to cause numerous 'accidents.'
Shido knew exactly how to deal with this. He opened the door and entered the living room, but not before casting March with Gabriel for that little extra mental strength.

"Hey Kotori." She was sitting on the couch, pulling a surprised face. 
"Big Brother? Hey, you're soaking wet! Go take a shower and change!"
She jumped up and tried to shoo him out of the room, but Shido was not going to fall for it.

"There's no need for that, is there? Zadkiel, Raphael."
In an instant, all the water soaking his clothes rose to the surface and froze, then got blown right off by Raphael's wind.
One short Camael later, and the ice had already evaporated into the air and Shido was no longer freezing.

Kotori frowned, thrown off by the use of her angel as a clean-up tool. 
"Tsk.. Those angels sure are handy, aren't they? Anyway, the light bulb in the bathroom seems to be broken. Could you go fix it?"
Shido's eye twitched. Could she be any more shameless? Either way, it was time to bite back. He put a smirk on his face and refused.
"Maybe later, after Tohka's done. 
Kotori's eyes widened. "You knew?! Wait. Of course you knew. Did I try this last time too?"
"Yep. Don't be so predictable."
"How could I possibly surprise someone who knows the future?!"
"How could I possibly not be flustered when that happens with Tohka?"
Shido left the gloomy Kotori alone in the living room. Come to think of it, wasn't Reine here the last time he saw this?


Reine was currently sitting in her room, thinking about the day Tohka was sealed. She wasn't on-site, since she was on clean-up duty for the locations that the date had taken place in, but she heard later that Shido had somehow healed faster than Camael should've allowed him to.

She didn't know the exact cause for some inexplicable reason, as if someone didn't want her to know. There was a high chance that there was nothing to be concerned about, but she couldn't help but worry.


"..Hey, Shido, why dont you enter the bath?" Kotori asked without much hope, knowing that he'd see right through it.
"Sure." He left without complaining.
"Eh?!" Kotori did a double take. Was he serious? She quickly tapped the earpiece she had in. "Send her in

Shido Itsuka was currently relaxing in the bath, on guard against Kotori's schemes. The moment he saw the outline of Tohka through the door, he called out to warn her, and let the bath.
As he wondered how he hadn't thought of this before, he walked past a very frustrated Kotori, who had failed her plan yet again.



The spacequake alarm had struck yet again.

Reine had come to pick Shido up and bring him to Fraxinus.
"Shin, let's go. Tohka, you stay with Tama."  She wanted Tohka to stay, but Shido had to object.
"Wait! Why not bring Tohka along?" He leaned in a little closer to whisper. "If we leave her here, she might wander off on her own. She doesn't know what a spacequake is, does she? She could get in the way of the sealing."
Reine's eyes widened. She was surprised by Shido's  observation. Was Shinji ever this smart? She couldn't help but feel suspicious, but she put that aside for now.

"Alright. Tohka, Shido, follow me."
"Wait! Murasame, where are you going?"
Ignoring Tama's confused shout, the trio made their way outside onto the Fraxinus.

When they arrived, Kotori's annoyed tone greeted them. 
"Finally. What took so long? Anyway, check that out!"

The large monitor on the wall showed the predicted area of the spacequake.
Within minutes, the area started blurring and distorting irregularily, slightly disrupting the camera that was recording.

Suddenly, the screen went white as a large explosion taking place. Shido gasped as the screen showed a large chunk taken out of the surrounding area. No matter how many times he witnessed this, it remained an awe-inspiring display of the power that the Spirits could unleash.

Standing in the middle of the large crater was a familiar small girl with blue hair and a green Astral Dress in the form of a bunny. On her left hand was a puppet that seemed to move with a mind of its own.

Yoshino had appeared.


To be continued

This chapter is way longer than the others, 1.7k words compared to the average 1k ish
Here we have a significant chunk of volume 2, with a lot more comedy moments where his future knowledge comes into play. Also, a potential way to beat Mio with the whole Pure Reiryoku thing! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please do leave a comment telling me what to do to improve this thing (The longer chapters was a suggestion on the last one), or just telling me what you thought (positive or negative)

cya next time

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