
Jin couldn't believe what he was seeing; he had thought he had figured out a method to avoid Jungkook for the remainder of the evening and the trip, but it didn't seem to work out the way he had anticipated it would. When they started their walk, he claimed to have severe stomach pain and feigned that he needed to use the restroom immediately after that.

At first, he attempted to return to their suite by himself; however, Jungkook insisted on following closely after him. It had been more than an hour since he had been in the bathroom pretending to have diarrhea, and Jungkook was waiting outside the bathroom, refusing to go, which meant his strategy had been unsuccessful.

"I asked for some medication to be brought up for you. Would you want me to get some soup prepared for you in one of the kitchens? There is a good chance that you will get dehydrated; therefore, I should have them bring you a lot to drink. Do you need anything more except this? How does it feel in your stomach? The restaurant will soon get my feedback in the form of a review. I have a feeling that it was the steak that caused the problem."

Jin let out a sigh as he examined his reflection in the mirror. He failed.

"Jungkook, I think I will be okay; I am going to shower and go to bed. Maybe tomorrow I will feel a lot better."

"Are you sure, Seokjin? I believe the appropriate first course would be some soup. It is unacceptable for you to go to bed without eating anything. Taking your medication is important even if you don't feel like eating. Have you managed to completely ruin your outfit? You don't need to be ashamed to tell me about it since accidents may and do happen sometimes. I will not pass judgment on you, and if you need my help, I can help you to clean up."

Jin turned around and glanced at the door, he was surprised by Jungkook's concern for him and his fake illness, and he asked, "you would help me clean up my diarrhea soiled clothes?"

"If that's what you want, I can help you. In my opinion, it is not something that we should do to request that the employees at the hotel clean your clothing while in the state that it is. We can make a request for gloves, clean them, and then have them laundered. How badly are they soiled?"

When Jin heard Jungkook's question, he felt horrible and responded by saying, "Actually, they are not dirty, so there is no need to worry about them. I should probably take a shower right now. My stomach is feeling a little bit better."

"Seokjin, are you sure?"

"I am sure, Jungkook."

"Okay, when you are finished, please come out so I can give you your medicine and soup. Thank you."

"I will."

When Jin heard Jungkook leave the bathroom door, he took a big breath because he couldn't believe Jungkook had volunteered to help him clean his dirty clothes. He whirled around and examined his reflection in the mirror. In a split second, the guy had managed to throw him off. He shook his head, swiftly discarded all of his thoughts, and concluded that he would spend the remaining time running a hot bath for himself.


Jungkook made certain that the soup he had ordered for Jin included simply the broth and nothing else but that. It was important that Jin's stomach not be disturbed by anything else. He made it a point to request a meeting with the head chef at the restaurant where they had dined. He did not want them to provide meals that would interfere with other couples' dates.

As soon as he spotted Jin, he immediately asked, "How are you feeling?"

Jin flashed a hesitant smile and said, "I am okay."

"Here, have some of this soup; it's just the broth, but you need it. I will provide you with the medicine as soon as you have finished it."

After sitting next to Jungkook, Jin moved the bowl of soup closer. Even though he did not feel hungry, he did not believe that he had many other options at the time. And though he had valid motives for his deception, he got the impression that he was being punished for it.

"I suspect the mimosa you drank was the cause of this. I know I had advised you it did not sound good. You would be wise to take my advice moving forward. How is the soup?"

"It's good."

"Does your stomach still hurt?"

"No, I am fine now."

"There's no need for you to drink any more mimosa. If you pay attention to what I have to say next time, I promise our date won't end like this. I know you are still young, but I want you to know that there is much more for you to learn."

Jin rolled his eyes as he tried to fathom how Jungkook could continue to think that the mimosa he drank caused him to have fake diarrhea.

"I get it, and I appreciate you letting me know your unwelcome thoughts."

Although Jungkook did not like Jin's attitude, he considered the possibility that Jin was ill and decided to let the matter drop. "Was this your first date by chance?"

Jin frowned, "no, it's not. Why do you ask?"

"So all seven of your previous lovers brought you on dates? Are you being really honest with me, Seokjin? Have you truly been in seven different relationships?"

"Why do you want to know this, and yes, I have had seven different relationships. I can see how this might turn you off and make you not want to date me. Please know that I won't take it personally. You should find someone who hasn't been with many other people. Especially if that is not to your liking."

"Have you had sexual relations with each of these seven individuals?"

Jin looked at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow and asked, "Isn't it too much to ask me about sex on our first date?"

"Seokjin, can we simply act like adults for a moment? I am not asking you to have sex with me at this time. On a first date, I would never dream of asking anything like that. To put things into perspective, neither one of us knows even the most basic information about the other. The only thing I asked about was your sexual activity with other people. It's a yes or no question."

"I don't know Jungkook, and I don't feel comfortable telling you any of that. I guess that doesn't make me a grown-up. I think the difference in our ages will make it hard for you to understand who I really am. I'm sorry to have to let you down. I can put you in touch with one of my teachers. He divorced a year ago, but he's looking for someone new to tango with."

When Jungkook got closer to Jin, it caused him to move, but Jungkook got closer, "don't you dare offend my taste! You don't need to advise me on who I should or should not date. You won't be able to dissuade me from wanting to spend time with you by making up tales since I'm already interested in you, and that won't change. Please quit talking about such crap and take advantage of this opportunity."

"Why do you believe dating you is an opportunity for others?" Jin was genuinely curious.

"Because it is. I am a fantastic man. I have a terrific job. I am a partner that is supportive as well as compassionate. I am the kind of person you would like to date. Tell me which of your seven previous relationships would have cared for you like I did tonight."

"I guess you are one of a kind, Jungkook. You also know a lot about yourself."

"I am. I am pleased that you have come to that understanding. I don't believe you are an awful person, Seokjin; I think the two of us might form a wonderful pair. On the other hand, I get the impression that you could need a little more polishing, but given your age, it's not quite as off-putting as it would be if you were someone my age."

Jin's fingers tightened around the soup bowl. He needed the weekend to end.

"Could you please eat all of your soup? I can't function properly if you don't take your medication."

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