This is bad. Shido stared at the incoming blade with a tinge of frustration as he raised his hand. Last time, he had already been knocked out by the clash between the Wizards and the Spirit by this point, but he was still standing now, which put him in his difficult situation. He didn't want to reveal any Angels yet, but it was either that, or getting hit.

Left with no choice, he spoke the name of the Angel he had in mind.


A large axe appeared in his hands, the wide blade blocking the slash from Sandalphon. The axe wasn't covered in flames, a choice he had made because of Origami's presence. Without the flames, it looked like an ordinary axe, albeit one that had appeared out of thin air.

With a heavy impact, the wave of energy scattered along the Angel, leaving the surprised Wizard-Spirit pair with widened eyes. Unbeknownst to Shido, a third pair of flabbergasted eyes was gazing down at him from the sky.

"Big brother....."

Kotori looked at the monitor from her captain's seat aboard the Fraxinus, which was displaying the scene that was taking place directly below them.
The silver haired analysis officer next to her had the same stoic expression as alwaays, but inside she was thinking the same thing as Kotori:

What the hell?


A bright light suddenly engulfed Shido, pulling him out of the deadly scuffle.
As he looked around him, he recognized the bridge of Fraxinus, the airship owned by Asgard Electronics, of which his sister was the captain. This was still the old Fraxinus, the one that hadn't been wrecked by the Inversed Origami, though. It didn't have the advanced AI, Maria, who would have usually greeted him when he appeared. Instead, he saw someone else waiting for him.


Standing in front of him was a familiar person. Murasame Reine, the analysis officer of Fraxinus. She was the reason for this whole mess. She was actually half of Mio Takamiya, the Spirit of Origin, who wanted to keep an eye on Shido while he sealed the Spirits. The silver hair, the military uniform, the painfully obvious dark circles under her eyes were all the same as in his memory.

She would be the biggest problem that he had to deal with. The reason he had used Camael to block the earlier attack from Tohka instead of the more familiar Sandalphon was to make sure that he didn't reveal anything he shouldn't have been able to use to her. If he slipped up and she caught on to what he had done, it was all over.

Meanwhile, Reine gazed at Shido with troubled eyes. He seemed to be... different, somehow.
It wasn't like someone was impersonating him, but the blue haired boy standing in front of her right now gave her an unsettling feeling, for some reason.

"Welcome to Fraxinus, I'm Reine Murasame and I'm the analysis officer here. Please follow me to meet the captain, Itsuka Shido."

Shido took a deep breath. He had to act like this was his first time here.

"W-wait, my sister is still somewhere missing! Do you know where she is?"

Shido put on a desperate expression while looking around the area, as if Kotori would jump out of a corner.
"Please do not worry. Your sister is safe. I'm sure you're dying to get answers here, but the commander can explain that far better than I can."

Shido followed the disguised Spirit through the large corridors of the airship. Eventually, they arrived at the main control room, where the commander and commander were residing.


Upon entering the room, he had, of course, found Kotori in the commander's seat. After briefly explaining the situation he was in, Kotori had switched to interrogating him about what he had done earlier.

"You have some explaining to do, big brother..."

She was in the middle of pointing at the large monitor on the wall, which was showing the figures of Tohka swinging Sandalphon, sending a flying beam at Shido, who blocked it with a hastily summoner Camael.


Shido suddenly noticed his palms being a little sweaty.

"What about it?"

Kotori suddenly slapped the table, making him jump.

"What about it?! WHAT ABOUT IT?
Itsuka Shido, my beloved big brother, please explain to me how exactly you managed to summon Camael?! The giant battle axe!"


Shido felt a headache coming up. Maybe just taking the hit from Tohka would've been less painful than this conversation. He quickly began making up a random story.

"A few years ago, during my free time, I somehow managed to get that thing to appear, and all the information about it just kinda... flowed into my head, I guess?"

"A few years ago? Free time? Do you really expect me to believe - ah." A small smile appeared on Kotori's face.

"Big brother, don't tell me... was this when you were practicing some of your favorite moves?"

Shido raised his eyebrows. What moves was Kotori referring to? He felt like there had been a misunderstanding.

"It's fine, bro! Everyone has moments like this! Maybe those incredibly embarrassing scenes of you practicing.. what was it.. Roaring Flash Blast Wave... truly were useful!
I'm so happy that you managed to summon Camael while performing shit like that! So happy that I'll release a recording of one of your practice sessions!"

The monitor behind her changed to show a young Shido behaving like a character from an anime, oblivious to the fact that he was being recorded.

Shido's smile froze. He suddenly understood what she had thought.

"K-Kotori, I think you're misunderstanding something here, it's not like th-" He was interrupted by a burly pair of guards who picked him up by the arms and carried him outside, uncaring about his protests.
A smiling Kotori sat in her chair and called after him.

"We'll contact you shortly about the training for winning over Spirits! Good luck, big brother!"


To be continued

chapter 3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

a little more action this time, and also an angry kotori!

chapter 4 is something im trying to release tommorow.

Originally written 3/9/2022
Rewritten 26/4/2023

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