Chapter 49

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The next day~

The Kims left Jin's parents house after breakfast and they now reached their home.

When Jimin saw Taehyung he ran upto him hugging him tightly "Taetae I missed you"
Taehyung giggled but hugged back nonetheless "I missed you too chimmy"

Jin looked at them weirdly and eyed towards Hobi "What's with these guys"
"Jimin was feeling very lonely he kept on asking when Taehyung will come" Hobi said.
"Ahhh that's so cute" Jin said and looked at Jungkook who was busy trying to climb the stairs.
"This bunny still is trying to climb the stairs" Jin said pointing at Jungkook.
"Wait don't bring him here...... Jungkook don't climb the stairs you'll get hurt" Hobi shouted.
Jungkook looked at his Eomma pointing up.
"I said NO come back here this instant" Hobi said in a very stern voice.
Jungkook turned around and walked towards them.
"He has started to understand things now" Jin said with an adoring smile.
"Yes but he is very mischievous" Hobi said with a sigh.
"Jiji" Jungkook shouted as soon as he saw Jin.
Jin picked him up saying"What is this new word huh call me Jin uncle"
"No No JiJi" Jungkook said shaking his head vigorously.
"Ok call me whatever you want" Jin said kissing the baby's cheeks.
"Looks like you've enjoyed your anniversary alot huh" Hobi teased looking at the hickeys which were looking pretty prominent.
Jin's ears turned red but still managed to say "Yeah we did, we actually needed this" Jin said playing with his wedding ring.
"I'm glad.......So how did the things go did you both solve your issue?" Hobi asked with a frown.
"Yeah we did talk about it but both of us need to apply those things from now on only then it will be useful" Jin said.

Jungkook looked at Jin with doe eyes adoring him while he was talking with Hobi.
Jin looked at him asking "What happened to you bunny you want anything? Huh?!!"
Hobi stroked his hair as they were covering Jungkook's eyes.
Jungkook got shy and hid his face in Jin's chest who laughed loudly hugging him and kissing his hair.
"His eyes are so big and pretty" Jin said.
"I don't know from whom he got these eyes from both of us have really small eyes, maybe Yoongi's mother....she had big eyes, his appa told me once" Hobi said.
Jungkook slid down from Jin's lap and went towards Jimin and Taehyung to play with them.

After sometime ~

Right now the entire family is was just sitting in the living room randomly having a conversation. The kids were playing in their regular play area. That's when Jimin walked towards them and sat on the couch cuddled upto Yoongi as he switched on the tv and started to watch cartoons. The adults groaned as they heard the same cartoon episode for the nth time.

"Jimin where's Taehyung he was playing with you?" Jin asked looking at the play area which was empty.
"Tae" Jin called out loudly. He repeated twice but didn't get any response.
"Hobi even Jungkook is not in the play area" Jin said. Hobi sighed and said" I swear this bunny is the naughtiest"
"Joonie go look for him please" Jin said while Namjoon stood up and went to look for Taehyung.

As Namjoon walked into the kitchen he found Taehyung standing on the stool while the fridge door was open. He peaked through the door to see Taehyung eating a choclate bar messily.
"Tae what are you doing here?" Namjoon called who flinched as he quickly hide the choclate. He looked upto his father with a big boxy smile. His teeth were all brown due to the choclate there were some choclate marks near chin too. He looked at the dining area to see Jungkook climbing the dining table.
"You wait here I'll be back ok?" Namjoon said.

He went towards Jungkook and called out making grabby hands towards him"Hey kookie"
Jungkook looked back and jumped from the table throwing himself onto Namjoon who quickly catched him. He went towards the living room leaving a sad Taehyung behind.
"Hobi keep an eye on him he had climbed onto the dining table and was going to jump from it." Namjoon said giving Jungkook to Hobi so he couldn't run away this time.

But Jungkook started fake crying and squirming on Hobi's lap.
"Shhh Jungkookie stay quiet....." Hobi said patting his butt to calm him down.
"Ok let's call grandpa hmmm??" Yoongi said dialling his father's number.
"Hello" Changmin said.
Jungkook stopped his tantrums and grabbed Yoongi's phone.
"Pa" Jungkook said with his baby talks.

Meanwhile Namjoon went towards the kitchen and Jin followed him finding something suspicious.
Namjoon went towards Taehyung who was fidgeting with his fingers. He held his hands to calm his son down.
"Tae Bear did you eat choclate?" Namjoon asked calmly.
Taehyung got scared and shook his head vigorously indicating no.
"Open your mouth let me see" Namjoon said and checked the choclate all over his teeth.
"Kim Taehyung why are lying huh?" Namjoon asked while Taehyung flinched.
"Should I scold you?" Namjoon asked raising his voice.
Taehyung lips started wobbling"No Appa" Said in a cracking voice.
"Joonie what happened" Jin asked when he came in the kitchen.
Taehyung started sobbing as he ran towards Jin hugging him. Namjoon sighed rubbing his temples.
"Appa bad" Taehyung said between sobs.
"Taehyung ate chocolates and then he was lying about it." Namjoon said.
Jin crouched down and asked softly" Bear didn't Eomma tell lying is a bad thing?"
"If you want chocolate you should Eomma or Appa to give it...." Jin said as he picked his son up sitting on the chair of dining table.
Taehyung cling onto Jin wrapping his hands around Jin's torso.

Namjoon felt bad for his son, he rarely raises his voice at him. He went and sat beside them.
"Next time don't lie ok? It's a very bad habit and when a boy lies then god will punish them!!" Namjoon said while Taehyung looked at Namjoon with big puppy eyes.
Taehyung just snuggled closer to Jin. Sniffling and hiccups could be heard. He looked at Namjoon with a sad pout.
"Yahh why are you looking at me like that!? I didn't scold you bear!!" Namjoon said while smiling looking at his adorable son.
"Are you upset with Appa?" Jin said wiping his son's tears who nodded slightly.
"You know Jinnie I was planning to take Taehyung to a carnival but he is not talking to me so I guess I have to go alone now" Namjoon said with a fake sad voice.
"I want to go to carnival" Taehyung said looking at Namjoon as he rubbed his eyes.
"Is that so? Will you go with me then?" Namjoon asked.
"Ofcourse I will go with Eomma Appa and chimmy!!! Silly Appa" Taehyung cracked up shaking his head.
Namjoon and Jin laughed and looked at eachother thinking they have made the right decision.

To be continued.....😊💜

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