Chapter 22

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The next day Kims and Mins were sitting at the dining table having their breakfast.
"Jin Hyung we are going to the hospital for Hobi's checkup so we'll join the office after lunch time..."
Jin nodded and asked worriedly"Hoseok is everything ok??"
"Yeah Hyung everything is fine we just need to get some tests done." Hoseok said with a smile.

As Taehyung was eating his food the plate fell down and all his biscuits were on the floor. He started crying as he had nothing now.
Jin got up and placed some biscuits infront of Taehyung but he was pointing at the fallen biscuits. " Baby they you cannot eat them now they have germs and can make you feel icky " Jin  said
"Hobi are you going to take Jimin with you to hospital?if you want you can leave him here I am free today!!"Namjoon asked
"No  it'll be ok I guess, he'll be fussy if I am not around and give you hard time!" Hobi said
"Hmm that's true Jimin is totally mama's boy" Jin said with a smile.

They went to the room to get ready so Hobi took Jimin on his lap and indicated Yoongi to sit beside them.

"Jiminie what do you think if we bring a little baby for you to play with just like Sehun Hyung has Kai Hyung?? You will protect the baby you'll be a big brother" Hobi asked with hopeful eyes.
"Baby siser?" Jimin asked with puppy eyes.
"Well we don't know if the baby is girl or boy but does my Jiminie wants a boy or girl?? Yoongi asked stroking his baby's hair.
"Baby siser!!" Jimin said while throwing his hands in excitement.
"But I want her now, where is she? Jimin asked with hopeful eyes. Yoongi and Hoseok chuckled at his innocence
"Well the baby's in your Eomma's tummy so that he could grow properly to play with his big brother" Yoongi said. Jimin nodded even though he didn't understand anything.
"Let's go now we'll be late for the appointment!" Hoseok said.

At the hospital ~

The Mins were seated and were waiting for their turn. Jimin wanted to run and explore the little things but ofcourse Hobi wouldn't let him go anywhere as it was hospital. He was trying to keep him in place but our mochi wasn't listening to his eomma and whining.
"Mochi sit down or doctor will give you injection." Yoongi said in a fake scary tone which worked and Jimin sat their quietly. Hobi smiled at Yoongi and showed him a thumbs up.

"Mrs. Min Hoseok" a nurse called. They all stood up and went to the cabin.
Hoseok told the doctor that he was late for his period so he took a test but the lines were faint and it's his second pregnancy so he knew the symptoms.

The doctor took them to an ultrasound sound room,applied some gel on the belly and started moving the  instrument.
"Mrs.Min looks like you are 5 weeks pregnant" The doctor said with a gentle smile.
Hoseok and Yoongi smiled at eachother and Jimin was looking clueless.
"Do you guys want to hear the heartbeat?" The couple nodded excitingly.
Hobi was in tears when he heard the heartbeat Yoongi was smiling widely to while holding Hobi's hand.
"Why is eomma cwying??Jimin asked when his tears started to flow as well.
"Jiminie these are happy tears Eomma is not sad" Yoongi said while hugging his baby tightly who wrapped his hands around his father's neck.
"Jiminie see this is your little brother or sister!!" Hobi said while trying to change his baby's mood.
Jimin looked towards his eomma who showed the screen.
"Baby small" Jimin said in a tiny voice Hobi nodded with a smile.

In the doctor's cabin~
"As it's your second pregnancy I don't think I need to tell alot of things so I'll write you some vitamin and iron tablets and other necessary medications so don't forget them and rest you know the drill" The doctor said with a chuckle.

At the dinner~

"Jin Hyung and Namjoon-ah we want to tell you guys something..." Yoongi said and looked at Hobi for reassurance whi nodded.
"We are pregnant again, Hobi's reached 5 weeks, today we went to doctor as we weren't sure but looks like Hobi was right" Yoongi said with a smile and kissed their interwined hands.

"Congratulations guys" Jin and Namjoon said while Jin hugged Hoseok.

"Let's order some cake to celebrate it...." Jin said clapping his hands excitingly. Both the kids shouted as they wanted cake too.
"How about tomorrow because Hobi was craving for some fresh pineapple cake!!" Yoongi said while others nodded

"Tae I am becoming big bruder I have a small siser now" Jimin said with an eye smile.
"I want one too" Taehyung said with a pout.
"Then go and ask your Eomma and appa" Jimin said with an excited tone while Taehyung nodded liking the plan.
Taehyung ran to the kitchen where Jin and Hobi were talking and doing dishes he tugged his pants and said"Mama chimmy said he is going to get small sister can I gwt one too pwease"

Jin's smile faded , he felt like a knife has stabbed him. He still managed to fake a smile and said," But Tae we already have you we don't need one more are our baby"
"No but I want a sister too" Taehyung said while crossing his arms on chest.

Hobi understood what Jin was trying to say so interrupted and said " Tae, this baby will be like your baby sister or brother too you can play with the baby ok??Now how about you go to chimmy see he's making blocks alone go and help him" Taehyung nodded excitingly and ran away.

"Jin Hyung are you okay?" Hobi asked as he kept his hands on latter's shoulder.
"Yeah I am fine" Jin said with a smile which Hobi knew was fake but decided to give him space.

In Namjin's Room~

Jin was folding some clothes and looking out of the window with teary eyes and that's when Namjoon came after making reading Taehyung a bedtime story. He saw his husband zoning out and deeply thinking something. He frowned and back hugged him.

"Jinnie what are you thinking so intently?? Are you ok" Namjoon asked with worry in his tone. Jin broke down completely as he heard his husband's soft and gentle tone. Namjoon made jin look at him he wiped his tears and asked"Are you still thinking about it??".

To be continued.....😊💜

🔸What do you think has happened which made Jin so much emotional??

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