Chapter 41

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Jungkook had woken up and was now crying for his mother. Hobi and Yoongi quickly rushed inside the room.
Hobi picked him hugging him tightly as if someone's gonna steal his son away from him. He didn't hear Jungkook's cries so he pulled back touching the red rashes which were still visible but some of them were fading away. He again hugged him kissing the crown of his head multiple times silently shedding tears. Yoongi kept his hand on Hobi's shoulder giving him a reassuring squeeze.
Yoongi picked Jungkook from Hobi making him sit on his lap.
"How is my little bunny doing? Appa is sorry for feeding you the pineapple juice"Yoongi said stroking Jungkook's little hair.
Jungkook just cried squirming on Yoongi's lap wanting to be held by his mother. Hobi picked him up patting Jungkook's back.
After Jungkook's discharge they reached home at almost 10. They opened the door and saw all four of them watching movie on TV.
"Jimin Taehyung weren't you supposed to sleep by past your bedtime"Jin said sternly.
"Jin Oppa they kept on telling me that they won't sleep until they meet kookie..... Sorry I had no other option than playing a movie to distract them"Nayeon said.
"Nayeon-ssi please don't be sorry, actually we are glad that you took care of them Thank you"Hobi said smiling warmly.
"Hoseok we are always ready to take care of the little the way how's Jungkook" KwangJin said.
"Yeahhhh poor baby"Nayeon said stroking his hair.
Jungkook who was in Hobi's arms started crying.
"He's a little moody because of fever and medications"Hobi said with a slight smile.
"Ahh no problem" Nayeon gave a smile.

Taehyung and Jimin ran towards Jungkook. Hobi sat on the couch and made Jungkook sit besides him. But Jungkook was very clingy today,he didn't want to leave his Eomma's side at all. He started wailing as soon as sat on the couch.
Hobi sighed before picking him up and making him sit on his lap.
The kids got a little scared looking at Jungkook's face with red patches.
"Don't be scared you guys are his hyungs right?then cheer him up....see he was so bored today without you"Namjoon said.
Jimin step forward held Jungkook's tiny hands saying "kookie, Hyung missed you today"
Taehyung followed his best friend too.
Jungkook stopped crying and looked at them. Jimin tickled his belly and feet making Jungkook laugh loud. Jungkook rolled over nuzzling his face into Hobi's tshirt.

All of them smiled seeing their baby finally happy. They all bid goodbyes to Nayeon and KwangJin as it was pretty late.

"Ok enough play time, now you have to go to bed"Jin said.
"But Eomma tomorrow is Sunday"Taehyung said.
"No bear tomorrow is Saturday not Sunday ,and whatever day it is you should sleep early it's a good habit"Jin said.
With that Jin dragged Taehyung to sleep while Namjoon shook his head following them.

"Eomma Can I sleep with Kookie today??"Jimin asked with half closed eyes looking like he would sleep anytime.
"Ok today Eomma Appa Jimin Hyung and kookie will sleep together"Yoongi said picking Jimin up and both the others following him to his room.

In the room~

Jimin jumped on the bed while Hobi went to change Jungkook's clothes and diaper.
Yoongi laid down with a huff after an exhausting day.
Jimin was waiting for Hobi so he could snuggle into his Eomma but Hobi was swaying Jungkook making him sleep fast.
"Eomma come here fast"Jimin whined.
"Shhhhh Jiminie sleep with appa today, I will sleep with kookie today"Hobi said.
"No I want to sleep with you"Jimin said.
"Baby please understand kookie is sick and he needs eomma right now"Hobi said with pleading eyes.
"No I want my Eomma only"Jimin shouted while banging his feet on the bed.
"Jimin don't throw tantrums, comeon sleep now it's late"Yoongi said with a stern voice.
Jimin pouted and gave his parents an angry look before closing his eyes.
Yoongi and Hobi looked at eachother with sigh. They didn't mean to scold Jimin but they were exhausted. They needed rest too after such long day.
Also if Jungkook wakes up at night or he gets fever Hobi can wake up quickly while Yoongi is a heavy sleeper so it was better that Jimin stays beside Yoongi.

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