Chapter 36

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It was lunch time and they were sitting in a restaurant facing the sea. It was a wonderful view with faint sound of waves.
"Appa when we will go to beach??" Taehyung asked for the nth time.
Namjoon groaned and said "Tae for the nth time I'm telling you, we will go after we have our lunch so that we don't hungry while playing ok??Now eat your food quietly"
"But I didn't bring my toys to play can we please bring it??"Taehyung asked.
"Don't worry bear I have kept it in the car"Jin said.
After sometime Taehyung kept looking outside the restaurant looking at the beach.
"Eomma I am full "Taehyung said getting down the chair.
"Taehyung-ah you didn't even finish half plate comeon eat some more bites....I know you're excited to go to the beach and play but if you don't eat well you won't get the energy to play ok??Now be a good boy and eat don't make Eomma mad"Jin said while Taehyung nodded sadly and started eating.

It was almost 4:30 and the sun was pretty down to enjoy the sea. They all changed into some swim suits while Jin and Hobi were applying Sunscreen to the kids. They all ran towards the sea with big smiles.

Namjoon held Taehyung's hand as Taehyung was going further towards the sea.
"Joonie don't let him go very far!!"Jin said.
Yoongi was holding Jimin's hand while a whining Jungkook was in Hobi's arms.
They all stood on the shore feeling the waves. Taehyung was giggling whenever a wave touched his feet while Jimin was holding Yoongi's hand tightly getting scared of the waves.
Yoongi tried to push Jimin a little further and teased him by leaving his hands but Jimin said in cracking voice "Appa don't do that". With that Jimin tightened his grip on Yoongi's hand.
Soon Hobi made Jungkook stand beside Jimin but as soon as the wave came Jungkook flinched and walked back towards Hobi crying because of the shock. Hobi laughed and picked him up swaying him.
"Both of my kids are scaredy cats"Yoongi said with a sigh.
Hobi slapped Yoongi's arms and said with a cute glare"Stop calling my children cats"
The kids were now comfortably and were playing in the water giggling and squealing. Namjoon was clicking their pictures. Jungkook was sitting a little far and playing with his the spade and sand bucket. Hobi was sitting beside Jungkook playing with him.
"Appa let's bring the floaters with us next time"Jimin said.
"Ohh yeah we could have bought some floaters, you're so smart time when we visit the beach we'll bring it ok?"Yoongi said.

Yoongi saw Hobi sitting there alone so he told Namjoon to take care of Jimin and went to sit beside Hobi.
"What are you thinking Hoba??"Yoongi asked to Hobi who was zoning out
"Just Everything"Hobi said resting his head on Yoongi's chest who wrapped his hands around Hobi's waist bringing him closer.
"This feels like a magical moment I feel like stopping the time.... spending time with our kids playing with them, answer their innocent silly questions!!"Hobi laughed along with Yoongi.
"The kids are growing at the speed of light.... Jimin's starting his school soon and then he'll get smarter and better in his life, I sometimes ask myself wasn't Jungkook born yesterday,the first time I held him and Jimin used to sleep with us for the initial months as he didn't want his brother to cry at all, honestly we never expected Jimin to be such protective brother.....I don't want the kids to grow up,I just want to hide them in my arms forever!!"Hobi said with cracking voice taking a deep breath to control his tears.
"Yahhhh Hoba don't make me emotional now I don't want to cry now!!"Yoongi said.
Hobi had tears rolling down his cheeks but still laughed looking at his husband who was trying very hard to not let tears fall.
"Hyungie I was thinking of joining office again!!"Hobi said.
"Jimin will be joining kindergarten and I need to work for a stronger financial support for the future,you know we cannot be so careless just because it is Jin Hyung's company...."Hobi said.
"Ok do whatever you feel like doing I support you and also you are right we both need to be financially stable for a very long time since someday I will stop working as an idol and just as a producer/composer so let's talk about this after Jimin joins school!!"Yoongi said.
Hobi gave Yoongi a short kiss on the lips.

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