Chapter 28

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Next Morning, The Kims left to meet Jin's family. It was a regular morning for The Mins.
Yoongi was getting Jimin ready. Hobi was cleaning the room and Jungkook was laying on the bouncer and playing with toys hanged with it.

Jungkook was blabbering some incoherent words.
Hobi smiled and thought how talkative their baby is. Jimin was a very silent kid. He used to sleep easily and rarely used to wake up at nights. Even if Taehyung's not there to play with him he'll peacefully play on his own.

But for Jungkook he doesn't sleep early and always wakes up at midnight not wanting to sleep anymore. He needs someone with him all the time. If he doesn't see anyone sitting with him he'll start throwing tantrums.

That's when Hobi's phone notification rang. It said that it was time for checkup of baby Jungkook for shots and other stuff. The bathroom door opened revealing Yoongi with towel around his waist who had picked Jimin up.
"Hyungie we have to go for Jungkook's appointment today are you free?" Hobi asked
"Fine we can go after 4 pm I'll book the appointment" Yoongi said and went away to wear clothes.
Jungkook whined not getting any attention from his appa. Yoongi came to the room wearing clothes and was getting ready but our bunny started crying. Hobi had went to take a bath so he thought he needed to change the diaper. But as soon as Yoongi picked Jungkook up he stopped crying.

"You dramatic boy, you weren't crying just shedding some crocodile tears to get me pick you huh!!" Yoongi said and Jungkook smiled. They then went downstairs.

At the hospital ~

Jungkook was looking at the room which were filled with toys and squealing now and then. Jimin was playing with them too. He bought some toys and started to play with his little brother.

"Min Jungkook" A nurse called out. The couple nodded and held Jimin's hand to go to doctor.
The nurse called them and started checking his head circumference,height,weight and all the necessary things. Jungkook was quiet boy so he didn't fuss alot. Jimin stood near the height bar too wanting to measure his height. The nurse smiled and checked Jimin's height. The nurse then told them to go to the doctor's cabin.

"Hello Mr.&Mrs.Min, hi Jimin" The doctor said with a polite smile which the couple returned but Jimin was there a little scared because this doctor gives him shots.

"Everything is fine. He is growing up well for his age and today he needs to get 2 shots as he's almost six months old" The doctor said looking at his computer.

Both the couple looked at eachother and said in their minds "Today's gonna be a long day"
The Jungkook who was all happy all day,now started wailing and sobbing hard. He was sitting on Yoongi's lap. Jimin also looked sad seeing his little brother like that. Yoongi tried to hug him and pat his back but he was squirming alot.
"Hyungie give him to me"Hobi said looking worried.
Hobi immediately hugged the baby who kept his head over his Eomma's chest and sobbed"Don't worry it's gone baby shhhh" Hobi tried to calm him down and bounced him on the lap.

"Umm doctor is there a room to breastfeed him" Hobi asked hesitantly as Jungkook was still hicupping. The doctor nodded with a gentle smile.

Hobi and Jungkook went to other room. Jimin was sitting on Yoongi's lap.
The doctor said "Jimin's vaccine is also in a a month or two....we can wind it up right now!!"
"Can we do that,then I don't have any problem " Yoongi said.
Jimin looked with a pout and started squirming"Appa no I don't want injection"
"Comeon my Mochi is a big boy now....kookie is a baby so he cried so much it won't hurt so much I promise" Yoongi said indicating doctor to get ready. He pulled Jimin's tshirt down.
Jimin's eyes already started getting teary. The doctor injected him and he started crying too.
Yoongi thanked the doctor and went outside with crying Jimin in his arms.

Hobi was sitting there with a sleeping Jungkook. Hobi frowned when he saw Jimin crying and asked "what happened Jiminie??"
Jimin squirmed and ran to his eomma hugging him.
Yoongi mouthed shots and Hobi understood the reason.
"Appa is mean he promised it will not hurt and also told doctor to give me shot....eomma appa needs scolding" Jimin said tears still streaming down his face.
Jimin sat on Hobi's lap and snuggled closer to him. Jungkook was with Yoongi who was sleeping soundly.

"Is that so let's ask him, Jimin's Appa why did you allow the doctor to give our Jiminie shots??" Hobi asked in a fake angry tone.
"Don't be mad at appa the vaccine will make you stronger to fight with germs!!"Yoongi said wiping his son's tears.
"But I don't like shots"Jimin said and started crying again.
"It's ok next time we'll ask doctor to not give you shots ok?? Now stop crying......
how about we go and eat something tasty, tell me what does our Jiminie wants to eat??"Yoongi asked.

"I want to eat ice cream" Jimin said.
"Ok then ice cream it is" Yoongi said getting up.
Hobi looked at Yoongi in disbelief and said"No ice cream you'll get cold and do you want to drink the bitter medicines??"
"But I want to eat ice cream only"Jimin said whining.
Hobi said sternly"Jimin no,you should listen to Eomma!!"
"Mochi how about your favourite chicken nuggets??"Yoongi asked.
Jimin widened his eyes and nodded excitingly.

They went to McDonald's and ordered some snacks. Jungkook was crying wanting to eat the snacks so Hobi fed some pieces of nuggets to him too.
Jimin slept in the car while returning home. Jungkook was still annoyed because of the vaccination.

Meanwhile with Namjin ~

Namjoon's Pov~

I am a little tensed since it's the we are visiting my in-laws. The first time we went when Jin introduced me to his family and everyone accepted it except his mom. She wanted a rich business man for his son not a middle class guy like me.
Jin talked to her and made her understand that we loved eachother alot and wanted to marry. I am glad that Jin didn't give up on us and fought for love.
She finally accepted for the sake of her son but always found ways to taunt me and my parent's money. But she visited us alot of times to meet Taehyung.... she's been a little nice to me since Taehyung was born. I look at the backseat where Taehyung was jamming onto some songs together with Jin. I feel a little relieved looking at them.

To be Continued.....😊💜

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