Chapter 24

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Back to present ~

"Are you still thinking about it??" Namjoon asked while Jin wiped his tears.
"Today Taehyung asked me that he wanted a baby was very difficult for me to make him understand I don't know I just felt very worthless"Jin said.
"Jinnie you aren't worthless ok??and it's common for kids at this age to want everything that their friends have so don't take things seriously he'll forget about it tomorrow!!!"Namjoon said.

"But nevertheless I am so happy for Hoseok!! There's going to be a new baby in the house but I think it's going to be a girl!!" Jin said with a smile.
"Nope I want a boy....the three of them will make a nice team!!" Namjoon said with a bright smile.
"A girl or a boy we'll spoil them alot....the baby will the maknae of our family, it would be great to have another baby in our house the babies cries his screams will be all over our home I am so excited" Jin said.

Namjoon pulled Jin by his waist and started giving kisses on the neck.
"Joonie what's gotten into you!!"Jin asked as he kept his hands on his husband's chest.
"Just spending some quality time with my beautiful wifey....why do you have any problem??" Namjoon asked raising his eyebrows. Jin shyly looked down.
"Yaah stop calling me wifey!!" Jin said slightly slapping his chest.

Namjoon connected their lips and started kissing Jin passionately. He Started squeezing Jin's ass making Jin moan in the kiss. He then removed both their shirts while Namjoon started circling his knee to Jin's pussy making Jin moan.
And then you know what happened 🙈

At the Breakfast Table~

"Yoongi where's Hobi??" Jin asked
"Ohhhhhh he's in the room resting....he couldn't sleep properly due to nausea! Speak slow if Jimin hears you he'll start crying for his eomma" Yoongi said in a whisper.
Jin and Namjoon chuckled while Yoongi gave them annoyed look.
"Ok ok I understand... I'll go and check on him" Jin said with a smile.

The kids started whining about going to park.Both Yoongi and Namjoon kept quiet hoping that they will stop their stubbornness.

"Didn't we make a rule that we'll go to the park once a week...hmm? Then how come you guys whine about going to park every day...!!" Yoongi said quietly.
"Nooo Appa We wan pawk I want to pway slides with Appa" Jimin said throwing tantrums.
"But babies we have work today and if we don't do work out boss will beat us!!" Namjoon said in fake scared tone.
"Appa huwr??" Taehyung asked innocently. Namjoon nodded and tried hardest not to smile looking at his innocent baby.
"I don't go pawk then" Taehyung said pouting.
"But Appa I want to go to pawk pleashee Appa....I want pawk!!!" Jimin said stubbornly banging his high chair.
"Didn't we say we couldn't go to the park every day, Jimin? If you don't stop throwing tantrums, I won't let you go to the park this week either. Only Taehyung will be allowed to go to the park alone !!" Yoongi said in a stern voice. Jimin's eyes well up with tears.

"Comeon don't cry now....are you going to listen to your Appa and be good boy for me" Yoongi asked softly.
"I good bowy" Jimin said sniffing.
Hobi and Jin came downstairs as he heard Jimin's cries.
"What happened Hyungie??" Hobi asked
"Nothing Jiminie wanted to go to park again"Yoongi said with a sigh.
Hobi picked him up and wiped his tears away.
"Eomma I want to go to pawk and play with baby sister!!" Jimin said and started crying again.
"But your baby sister is still growing inside me....once she will be strong like Jiminie she can play with you" Hobi said with a gentle smile. Jimin looked at his eomma with big eyes and nodded sadly.

"Ok here me out guys I have an idea!!" Namjoon said gaining everyone's attention.
"I think we should build a small playground in our backyard....I have been thinking about this since a very long time because the kids keep whining about going to park, we can just set up a slide, swings and somewhat like that!! What say??" Namjoon asked
"That's a nice idea Namjoon-ah......we wanted to have a makeover of our backyard as it has nothing except a pool so let's make a barbeque area too!!" Hobi said clapping his hands.
"Yeahhhh finally the kids can play every evening and while Hobi can keep an eye on them since he will walks every evening now!!" Yoongi said and looked at Hobi who nodded.
"I'll show you the design in the evening and then we can have a talk with a carpenter too...Now let's go to the office we're getting late"Namjoon said while others nodded.

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