Aurora just nodded not knowing how she should respond as she did not know if it was a compliment or was he taking a jab at her.

Caspian leaned in and she held her breath and closed her eyes, after a few seconds when she opened her eyes he was grinning at her.

"You thought I would kiss."

Aurora felt embarrassed and she quickly turned away and went to her tree. The weekend coming would be very great for her as there was a festival in the palace and they could all roam around.

She was exempt as Caspian would be walking with Nadia but her friends still had some duties to carry out.

Which was a pity, there should also be enjoying the festival as she would be.

"I'm glad I found you again."

"Afternoon Elliot."

Elliot plummeted beside her, "You seem a bit radiant, I'm guessing you had a good day."

Aurora nodded, "It would be quite concerning if I always have a bad day every time that you see me."

Elliot chuckled, "It's lovely out here."

"Very much so."

Aurora went to dinner and grabbed it in a bag, she went home late, and went to bed. The days went by and Caspian was nowhere to be seen as per usual when he was arranging to meet Nadia. He always wanted to look his best.

Which she did not mind as she would be the future queen.

The weekend of the festival came and Aurora was excited to be looking at the various stalls and decorations.

If she were in her old position she would not be seeing any of this. She donned the special dress that she bought.

She let her hair cascade down her back and made her way to the palace. It was close to night time and there was a bit of light.

The torches were being lit, and she was ready to take a stroll down the market.

"Let me accompany you."

Aurora turned to Elliot who was grinning at her, "Of course."

"I must say you do look very different."

"Is that a good thing or bad thing Elliot?"

"Definitely a compliment, you look more radiant when your hair is down with the different clothing, totally suits you."

"Thank you, Elliot, you flatter me too much."

"If I didn't know you were a maid I would think you are a maiden from a rich family."

"Stop Elliot, you look dashing yourself."

They made their way down the stalls and she admired everything that she saw. When they reached the hairpin stall, Elliot took out some coins from his pouch and bought a pin with a cherry blossom on it.

"Hold still."

"Elliot you didn't have to."

"I know Aurora but I wanted to."

When the pin was in place the owner of the stall handed her a small mirror and she saw it was beautiful.

"Thank you Elliot this is lovely."

"Any time my lady." As he made a bowing gesture which earned him a shove from her. They carried on walking and seeing the shows being performed, and the fire breathers.

The rich were buying everything they set their eyes on.

"We should get a lantern."

Aurora agreed, it would be fun for them to make one float in the air. They got to the stall and asked for a lantern which they split the cost.

No matter how much Elliot insisted he pay, she wouldn't allow it. He had already bought a pin for her which was more than enough.

The owner asked for their names and wrote them on either side of the lantern.

The owner showed them the paint brushes with black ink so that they could write their wishes on either side under their names.

Aurora was thinking hard as to what she should wish for? Finally, she had an idea and started writing it down.

"Can we get two lanterns one for me and one for the lady?"

Aurora recognized that voice from anywhere, she tried to hide her face and not get noticed if she was right.

"Elliot and Aurora are you two done?" The owner asked.

"Yes Sir."

"Don't I know you?" this time it was Nadia.

She had no choice but to turn to them, "Evening My lady and My Lord."

"Ah, you are the one that serves us right?" Nadia replied.

Aurora nodded, "Yes My Lady."

"I see you have company too," Nadia replied.

"My name is Elliot and it is a pleasure to meet you both Sire, My lady."

"No need for formalities we are all here to enjoy," Nadia replied.

Aurora steals a glance at Caspian and finds that he is looking at her, it's as if he is taking in her appearance.

Her hair was down and he had seen her before like that or was it the hairpin and different style of clothing?

"I thought you belonged to the palace?" Caspian finally spoke.

"I do My Lord."

"Doesn't seem like it to me Aurora."

"Elliot is just my friend and companion."

"Is that all there is to it?"

"Yes My Lord."

"Don't be too strict on her Caspian, it's her day off let her have some fun." Nadia placed his hand on his arm.

"Excuse us if you don't mind." Said Elliot.

Aurora bowed lightly and she and Elliot were on their way to the river where the lanterns would be set loose and free.

They got to the river and some were already there and most of all they were awaiting for more people so they would set them off at the same time.

"Hope you two don't mind us seating with you two." Aurora looked up and it was Caspian, why were they here of all places?

They could be having a conversation as the two of them, so why were they here. She wanted to say no but no was not in her vocabulary according to the rules.

When Elliot realized she was not going to answer as she was frozen sitting down.

"Of course Sire."

They sat down and Nadia leaned against Caspian who held her so tenderly, was he here to rub it in her face?

The wind blew and her hair followed it,

"Your hair color is quite rare," Elliot said to her.


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