Haunted: Recent Developments and Pressing Issues

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Back in the mansion, Elena was called out to Stefan as she looked around the house. "Yes," Stefan said, making her whirl around to look up at the stairwell. "Where is Vicki?" Stefan gestured for her to keep her voice down as he whispered, "She's upstairs." He came down the last few steps and approached her when he was close enough that they didn't have to strain themselves to whisper, Elena said, "What happens now? Because my brother is out there joining the search party along with the rest of the town."

"I'm working on it, but it's gonna take time," Stefan exhaled. "She's a very volatile and impulsive personality. She's a drug user. I mean, all that's going to affect how she responds to this." "So, she's a vampire with issues?" Elena questioned. "What am I supposed to do, because I am lying to everyone that I care about? What's gonna happen to her?" "I'm going to keep her here with me until I know that she's safe, and Dean will help me make sure she gets a handle on controlling her thirst," Stefan stated.

"And how long is that?" Vicki yelled from the top of the stairs.

Stefan and Elena snapped their heads up at the newborn vampire in alarm. "We can talk about that later," Stefan responded.

"Hey, Vicki. How are you?" Elena greeted awkwardly.

"How am I?" Vicki snapped. "You're kidding, right?"

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Back at the Bennett house, Sam was sitting on the couch next to Bonnie while Sheila lit some candles that were near the large mirror hanging on the wall across the room. "So, just to recap, your dad raised you and Dean to be supernatural hunters after a demon came into your house and burned her alive?" she gasped.

"Yep," Sam nodded.

"And then you guys got separated, then reunited, and tracked down a mystical weapon that can kill any supernatural creature on the planet, which you guys were going to use to kill the demon," she continued.

"Correct," Sam agreed.

"However, the demon knew about your plan so he kidnapped your father, possessed him, and then tried to kill you and Dean. He failed, obviously, and you used a combination of your psychic powers and the Colt to get the demon out of your dad. But then, he sent one of his minions to kill you," Bonnie recited. "You guys ended up in the hospital, and Dean was about to die, but you presume that your father made some kind of deal with the demon to spare Dean."

"Yeah," Sam muttered sadly. "Then, Dean woke up, but our dad was dead and the Colt was gone. So we packed in the hunting life, went off the grid, and moved in with our uncle Bobby for a while until we eventually ended up here where we spent the last three years trying to forget about all the bad stuff that happened to us. So much for that, I guess."

Bonnie gave Sam a sympathetic look and laced her fingers with his as she turned to look at her grandmother. "And was our family burned in the witch trials?" Bonnie questioned. "No, the girls that were persecuted in Salem we're entirely innocent," Sheila answered softly. "You have to have more than ignorance to trap a real witch."

"How did we end up in Mystic Falls?" Bonnie badgered.

"Our family fled Salem in 1692 and moved here. Our ancestors lived in secrecy for over a hundred years. And our closest allies were Sam and Dean's ancestors who also happened to be one of the founding families of Mystic Falls, the Campbells," the elder witch explained. "They helped us carry on our secret at the expense of their own. We must remain a secret if we are to honor our ancestors as well as the Campbells' sacrifice."

"You didn't tell me that my ancestors helped yours," Sam pondered. "Despite what you're daddy may have taught you about hunting, your mother's side of the family knew the difference between good and bad monsters." "Well, Grams, does it really matter that much? I mean, everyone already knows that you're a witch," Bonnie chimed in.

The Supernatural Diaries {Book One}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora