Ch 131 Goodbye, my Friend

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A/N Yea I'm back from a hiatus partially because of laziness and the other half being a mental health break and laziness, anyways I'm working on Storm gods till I wrap up this arc then I'm working on the rewrite for the earlier chapters of this fic since I need a break from writing fights.

Also, I'm not sorry for the shit your gonna feel from this chapter

Warning Emotional damage

Alexander Bladeheart Pov:

I found myself below an endless grey sky expanding far beyond the horizon, the clouds churning gently as lightning flowed through them gently; the hard ground below me felt cold yet comforting as I realized I was in Boreas's realm. But why was I here? My memory felt hazy and blotted out as I struggled to recall anything at all.

Distant voices slowly pushed their way into my consciousness. Zephyr and Claire called out to me. They were close-no they were in my mind calling out for me but they felt impossibly far yet infinitesimally close.

But there were another pair of voices that faded into my mind, but these were real and close to me.

"Boreas let me train him! Even others that have been blessed have never stolen their god's power." An unfamiliar name berated Boreas.

"Notus, your concern is warranted. Do not forget the power you passed stemmed from Zeus. Now that I govern his domain and power after his death the strength you were used to is fundamentally different."

"His body and core can Handle your divine will now so he should be trained. He's at war."

His voice was snuffed out in my mind as my hazy memories cleared in an instant before flooding back to me; Arthur and Tessia got in a fight and we went to check on him after his medallions connection to the Typhon was cut, And then-


His name reverberated through my mind like a gunshot. Everything I had felt rushed back to me, My organs felt like they were twisted in someone's grasp, and I felt like I was drowning in a sea of my overwhelming emotions.

The pit of my stomach felt like a bottomless pit, eating me from the inside like a blackhole in my ribcage. Then my blood felt like it was on fire, burning me from the inside out as my entire body shook with the force of each and every beat of my heart.

I let one of my family die again. I failed to save them. I always failed. I always failed to protect them in both of my lives I was nothing but a fucking FAILURE.

IT'S YouFault!

No! I yelled out pushing my thoughts away as far as I could, Using my memory magic to erase every trace of thought before it even solidified in my mind.

But it came back.

I felt myself erase my memory of that thought over and over, my spiralling thoughts leading back to it over and over again. The other person in the realm shook my body trying to snap me out of it but I wanted-no I needed that thought gone from my mind.

No matter how hard I pushed against the thought it solidified in my mind. Claire's cold lifeless body battered and wounded in my arms. Her limp arms held onto two small children in her arms, their red and grey-blue eyes looking at me lifelessly.

I held my head in a vice grip, my fingers digging into my scalp, Tears poured from my closed eyes as a broken scream tore its way out of my throat.

My mind felt like it was tearing itself apart, cracks and fissures spreading like shattered glass before splinting apart and falling into the bottomless pit I felt in my stomach. Everything felt cold. I didn't want to move or even breathe because I felt like I would break apart.

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